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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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I am back in the game. Have you missed me?


@Des - you allowed my former self to die. I've never liked you. Not never.


I do hope you haven't been too busy - I really don't like reading lots of stuff all at once.


Hey there Ithi! :biggrin:


I could tell you would need the extra time to mod your Alice in Wonderland murder mystery at the... "other tower", since I knew who your co-mod was. LAWLS!!!


I re-read yesterday´s posts. Not everything but a lot of it. This is my thoughts:


1. AH, her posts often confuse me. They are meant to make things clear but for me it doesn´t. Claimed Mason and I believe her.

2. Des, I agree with him most of the times this game. Claimed Mason and I believe him.

3. Smiley, also a person who´s posts confuses me. Leaning town.

4. Turin, most posts is townish but as Ape pointed out he was on both Rhea´s and Sol´s trains on day one. The PR might or might not make him scum. Haven´t decided yet.

5. Paetric, will be replaced.

6. BG, mostly townish posts. I didn´t like "everyone follows me around" and the idea that all scum was on Rhea´s train on day 1. Later he changed his mind. Haven´t decided yet.

7. CTM, leaning scum. I didn´t like his plan with more character reveals, Wesley claim town and lynch from the town people pool. He has tried to direct the cop on night 1 and doc on night 2.

8. Locke, leaning scum. Has been very absent. I agree with Des about him contradicting himself about the random lynch.

9. Player, very suspicious by all above stated reasons. His vote on the dead Rhea doesn´t change my mind about him.

10. Talya, probably town

11. Nyn, probably town

12. Kae, floating around. Hard to know.

13. Wombat, very absent. Ape pointed out that he was on both Sol´s and Rhea´s train day 1. That is interesting if it turns out that Sol is indeed the doc. Scummy.

14. Sol, claimed Doc. I believe him although he has been playing scummy.

15. Tina,


I get that all of the ones I suspect can´t be scum but those are the ones I´m going to watch out for as we move along. I think it´s been difficult to judge many because we have all agreed that Rhea and Player are scummy.


Let see what Players lynch will show us. Vote Player. I believe that is the hammer.


This could be potentially very useful for us. Tina was already on my list of persons of interest, and now a coroner's report on her would potentially give us a LOT of useful info since she listed her thoughts on everyone.




Nice speedlynch, guys. Very informative.




@Locke: I guess I'll accept that. I still think both statements weren't really in line with eachother, but that does make sense, the whole number of vanilla roles in the game thing. Still keepin one of my eyes on you tho :blink:


So I was wondering. Are we going to continue lynching from the pool of townies who have claimed townfolk of Florin? It hasn't worked especially well for us, but if we quit now we could be letting scum off the hook. The only ones left who claimed that role are Nyn and Talya, and I had suspicions of them already this game. Buuuut, this strategy is starting to seem kind of uninspired, and because of the reasoning behind the lynches, it's going to be very difficult to analyze the voting trains of them


Grrrrrr getting kicked off the comp now

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You wish this night would have been longer, you are not looking forward to entering the Fire Swamp with dangers in the form of the ROUS, the lightning quicksand and flame spurts. You are in the process of gathering your belongings and your courage when you hear a scream. You rush over to the sound of the scream and see BG's lifeless body that has been run through with a sword. You also notice that bits of him have been munched on by a ROUS. You make your way back over to camp to search his belongings.


BG - Westley - Guard of the Princess (town), is dead.


It is now day, with 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. Deadline is Tuesday, 8 AM EST.

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I re-read yesterday´s posts. Not everything but a lot of it. This is my thoughts:


1. AH, her posts often confuse me. They are meant to make things clear but for me it doesn´t. Claimed Mason and I believe her.

2. Des, I agree with him most of the times this game. Claimed Mason and I believe him.

3. Smiley, also a person who´s posts confuses me. Leaning town.

4. Turin, most posts is townish but as Ape pointed out he was on both Rhea´s and Sol´s trains on day one. The PR might or might not make him scum. Haven´t decided yet.

5. Paetric, will be replaced.

6. BG, mostly townish posts. I didn´t like "everyone follows me around" and the idea that all scum was on Rhea´s train on day 1. Later he changed his mind. Haven´t decided yet.

7. CTM, leaning scum. I didn´t like his plan with more character reveals, Wesley claim town and lynch from the town people pool. He has tried to direct the cop on night 1 and doc on night 2.

8. Locke, leaning scum. Has been very absent. I agree with Des about him contradicting himself about the random lynch.

9. Player, very suspicious by all above stated reasons. His vote on the dead Rhea doesn´t change my mind about him.

10. Talya, probably town

11. Nyn, probably town

12. Kae, floating around. Hard to know.

13. Wombat, very absent. Ape pointed out that he was on both Sol´s and Rhea´s train day 1. That is interesting if it turns out that Sol is indeed the doc. Scummy.

14. Sol, claimed Doc. I believe him although he has been playing scummy.

15. Tina,


I get that all of the ones I suspect can´t be scum but those are the ones I´m going to watch out for as we move along. I think it´s been difficult to judge many because we have all agreed that Rhea and Player are scummy.


Let see what Players lynch will show us. Vote Player. I believe that is the hammer.


This could be potentially very useful for us. Tina was already on my list of persons of interest, and now a coroner's report on her would potentially give us a LOT of useful info since she listed her thoughts on everyone.




Nice speedlynch, guys. Very informative.




@Locke: I guess I'll accept that. I still think both statements weren't really in line with eachother, but that does make sense, the whole number of vanilla roles in the game thing. Still keepin one of my eyes on you tho :blink:


So I was wondering. Are we going to continue lynching from the pool of townies who have claimed townfolk of Florin? It hasn't worked especially well for us, but if we quit now we could be letting scum off the hook. The only ones left who claimed that role are Nyn and Talya, and I had suspicions of them already this game. Buuuut, this strategy is starting to seem kind of uninspired, and because of the reasoning behind the lynches, it's going to be very difficult to analyze the voting trains of them


Grrrrrr getting kicked off the comp now

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Hm, something got lost in that post. I guess it was my sarcastic answer to Des. I think it´s great that you want to lynch those that are trying to contribute. Lets all go Wombat from now on. /end of sarcasm


It would be nice to see Locke talk this day. Wombat too. I can vote any of those. It would also nice to hear what Ithi has to say since we didn´t hear anything from Paetric. Vote Locke.

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I have never been in a game where Mafia were given fake claims. How many of those have you been in, because I find this suggestion really odd!

Kivam's done it a few times, lets put it this way, I haven't been in a game that allowed character reveals that didn't include a safe claim for mafia from mod

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I think if I were a Mod, it would be funner to see the Mafia team scramble to make up their fake claims. I will always remember Kae's starwars game and Kate's fake Wicket claim. That was just the funniest ever.



Well in a game in with 23 players and only 18 characters available that allows character reveals, it'd be way to much of a handicap..


Actually the game could be kind of broken, we could've started off day and said, everyone with a character claim now.. And scum would've been pretty well done for..



Also... I will be largely unavailable today... since Wesley is outed and not the cop, (and a lot of people are FOS'ing me).. I'm going to claim. I am King Lotharon ... will not give any role I may or may have unless I'm forced to, scum can decide how to handle that ...

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I think if I were a Mod, it would be funner to see the Mafia team scramble to make up their fake claims. I will always remember Kae's starwars game and Kate's fake Wicket claim. That was just the funniest ever.



Well in a game in with 23 players and only 18 characters available that allows character reveals, it'd be way to much of a handicap..


Actually the game could be kind of broken, we could've started off day and said, everyone with a character claim now.. And scum would've been pretty well done for..



Also... I will be largely unavailable today... since Wesley is outed and not the cop, (and a lot of people are FOS'ing me).. I'm going to claim. I am King Lotharon ... will not give any role I may or may have unless I'm forced to, scum can decide how to handle that ...


king lotharon? is he the head of the other state? humperdinck's dad? I don't know??

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Dead Townie Dead Mafia Dead 3rd Party

Alive Claimed Role Alive No Claimed Role


1. Heart--Fezzik--town--Mason

2. Smiley

3. Song--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--killed N1

4. Ithi #1--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--random lynched D1

5. Turin--claims Anchient Booer--?--vanilla w/pr

6. Des--Inigo Montoya--town--Mason

7. Rhea--Queen Bella--town--Vanilla--Lynched D2

8. meesh--Yellin--mafia--goon--killed N1

9. PaetIthi #2

10. BG--Westley--town--Guard of Princess

11. Matt McsCTM claims King Lotharon--town--Unknown

12. Locke

13. Piano--nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla--Lynched D3

14. Talya--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

15. Nyn--claims nameless townsperson--town--Vanilla

16. Kae

17. Ape--Impressive Clergyman--town--Vanilla w/ PR--Killed N2

18. wombat

19. Sol--Claims Miracle Max--town--doc

20. Tina

21. Verbal--Vizzini--Serial Killer--killed N2



I think this is up to date


and vote wwwormbat... His, ZOMG nice speed lynch post seemed contrived..


Also suspect Tina and Kae and Locke

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king lotharon? is he the head of the other state? humperdinck's dad? I don't know??


I didn't know either, IMDB just calls him the King but here is his character description:


The King of Florin was a kind, but senile man who was in his old age. He was usually seen being escorted by his wife.


He was present at the wedding of his son, Prince Humperdinck, to his bride, Princess Buttercup. As he escorted her to their honeymoon suite, Buttercup gave him a kiss as a way of saying thanks for all his kindness. She told him she planned to kill herself, but he did not understand.


I strongly suspect Turin the booer is scum and will vote her, but I think we should pressure some people who haven't been today..

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WOW...they must do that a lot over in JN, I have never seen it here!



No, at JN we never allow character reveals in flavor games based off known works.. It makes it too easy to trap scum when they run out of characters to claim

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I would be ok with a Locke lynch - from what I have seen so far. I have mixed feelings about Tina.


I think Turin is likely to be Town, CTM - seems to be Town.


Ancient Booer is too little a role to be Mafia - there is still Prince Humperdink, Man with 6 fingers, Bloke with Keys at the gate (unless that was Yellin?) And the Albino who are more likely to me mafia than a 2 minute dream sequence character.

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Hmmm - character reveals do seem an easy way to find Mafia, as Townies don't mind revealing but whichever of the Mafia is actually the Prince isn't going to be as keen I imagine.


Maybe I should make a rule where you can't reveal unless you are on L-2 or sommat. But I'm a flavour person too, so if I run my game and people start giving out their character names it could all well collapse

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I would be ok with a Locke lynch - from what I have seen so far. I have mixed feelings about Tina.


I think Turin is likely to be Town, CTM - seems to be Town.


Ancient Booer is too little a role to be Mafia - there is still Prince Humperdink, Man with 6 fingers, Bloke with Keys at the gate (unless that was Yellin?) And the Albino who are more likely to me mafia than a 2 minute dream sequence character.


bloke with keys was Yellin' ie meesh

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