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should i stay or should i go now

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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Does my best Adam Sandler Talking Goat after he gets button hooked by the football.


(needs to edit the list and assign that one a number)



i wish i could post the skit :baalzamon:


I use that line alllll the time.

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POS car used to be my ummm anthem? Thats not right, but I use to drive the biggest POS car in the world. I loved it though. Lil Honda CRX. When the starter died I couldn't afford to replace it, but it didn't matter b/c the car didn't weigh a thing so I'd either park on a hill or literally get out and push it then jump in and dump the clutch to get it started. biggrin.gif

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ok, the goat thing is never leaving my mind again, and will get me in toruble at work, but is totally worth it.


and now i'm remembering the 72 (i think) orange datsun with bad brakes i drove all one winter right after college, relying on snowbanks and bushes on the side of the road to slow it down enough to stop. worked great until spring.


and the 87 tempo that had something wrong with something noone could figure out that made it top out at 25 mph, that i had to drive on the highway a few miles every day with the hazards on cause i couldn't afford to replace it. i used to get pulled over almost every day just cause they wanted to see the inspection, and ask me if i'd actually bought the POS and why.


i thought those brain cells were dead... haven't remembered these things in years.

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Why don't you ever reply to me Cindy? I'm just curious. Well ... I know you did, but then deleted it - but are you consciously deciding that I don't exist.


This seems a little odd because I was led to believe that the BT was a nice friendly and relaxed place to visit - yet it seems to have an even more clique type nature than the other place.


I will try again. I never owned a new car until I was nearly 30, and then I couldn't actually afford to buy a new car - but managed to win a BMW Mini Cooper from work. It was Red with a black roof. Of course far too small now we have children, but lovely and fun at the time.

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Why don't you ever reply to me Cindy? I'm just curious. Well ... I know you did, but then deleted it - but are you consciously deciding that I don't exist.


This seems a little odd because I was led to believe that the BT was a nice friendly and relaxed place to visit - yet it seems to have an even more clique type nature than the other place.


I will try again. I never owned a new car until I was nearly 30, and then I couldn't actually afford to buy a new car - but managed to win a BMW Mini Cooper from work. It was Red with a black roof. Of course far too small now we have children, but lovely and fun at the time.


That's awesome that you won a car! I bought my first brand new car 8 years ago. I still have her. She's going to be retired next year and I'll be getting another car. Not sure if I'm going to buy brand new or not.

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Tell me about it. We would never have been able to afford a new one, but I did then raffle off my old car for charity. It was a little black chinquchento (can't spell) we sold tickets for £2 a time and made about £1000 - that was a fun day too.


We have the clubman version now. But now we have two boys we will probably have to get something proper big and grown up.


Now Cindy may still be cross with me because I inadvertantly completely messed up a grayman task once in SG. Not being a member of SG, I didn't know that such a thing existed - and didn't realise what it is she was trying to do. It all got a little heated, but we had no clue why. Still she said she realised we were just being daft and not bad and I thought everything was ok. Maybe it isn't though.


Now Paet has every reason to ignore me. I let him down badly, not that I was in my right mind at the time, but I completely understand Paet and fair enough.


But you know, I'm not going to apologise for being ill. Although I am sorry if anyone was badly affected because of it.

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