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Tim Tebow


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How is this hack 4-1... okay maybe that was a little strong. I give the guy credit as a great athlete, but he is a TERRIBLE QB. He can't throw the ball to save his life... how do teams keep loosing to him!?!?!

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It's just one of those weird things that shouldn't work but does. A lot of last nights win has to do with the Jets D laying down. That single wing Offense of Denver's should buckle under a decent Defense, I thought it would last night for sure, shows how much I know I guess. There is a lot to be said about having heart, because that is all Tebow has, that and a really long windup. Watching this clunker pull out wins almost makes me want to route for him, but he played for UF and that is a black mark upon his soul which can never be removed.

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I am getting tierd of people talking about Tebow like he is the only thing going for the Broncos. IMO its only the defense of the Broncos that are really getting it done. But then this week he goes nuts and gets 2 passing TD's, and with the Raiders falling off and the Chargers being the Chargers, it looks like this guy is going to make it into the playoffs. I doubt he will be able to survive running 20+ times a week, but for this season I don't see anything in his division that can stop him, until he meets the Bengals, Baltimore, or Pittsburgh in the PLayoffs.

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The QB gets most of the credit if things go well and most of the blame if things go badly, unless he's ripping it up and the defense is so bad he has to be perfect to win, a la some of Kurt Warner's teams. That's been the case forever, and it will always be the case. This stuff isn't limited to him.


I have no clue whether he will be able to do this consistently over his career, but you can't say the kid is short on heart. His team believes in him and good things are happening. Do I think he'll win the Super Bowl? No; at least not this year. The Saints, Packers and Patriots will all score way too much for Denver to keep up unless a miracle happens or those teams have an off game offensively; and Baltimore and Pittsburgh are monsters defensively that I think Denver probably can't score enough against. But against just about anyone else in the league, they have a shot, and right now they are taking that shot and running with it. I'm not a Broncos fan, but it has been fun to watch, nonetheless.


Everyone knows the Broncos are playing college style option and single wing stuff with a few throws mixed in to keep you honest and to take advantage of defensive aggressiveness. It's something that isn't supposed to be able to work on the pro level. However, outside of the Lions, no one can stop them in the fourth quarter when the game is hanging in the balance. Is that dominance? No, because they aren't running people over all game, but all the same, they are executing when they need to better than the opponent is. At some point you HAVE to give some credit to Tebow, don't you? I mean, it's not like every throw he makes is bouncing off some defender's hands and into his target's hands, immaculate reception style. And it's not like the opposing defense is standing back and saying "let's let this kid beat us so the story can go on."


The Broncs are a real team effort right now, which is why they are so fun to watch; and I do think their defense deserves the lion's share of the credit, because they are keeping games close enough that the offense has that chance late. Right now, I think they make the playoffs and maybe win one if they get a good matchup. It sure beats where Denver was 6 or 7 weeks ago. /shrug If I were a fan, that would be enough for me for now. People seriously need to get off the kid's back, both on the good and the bad. He's way too young to know if he's already reached his peak and can develop no more (which is what the naysayers seem to think), and he's way too inconsistent to be anointed as the next great QB (which is what his backers seem to think). Only time will tell.



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