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naeb thread

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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kneel, grovel, bow, scrape, wear black leather teddies with matching collars and shackles, yada yada yada.


give me some evil, and make it good. i'm jaded and bored.


hope you have some idea what i'm looking for, cause i don't. like pornography, i'll know it when i see it.


all i know for sure is NO LOLCATS.


srsly, have enough. they breed rapidly, demand fresh flesh minced into teeny tiny pieces at all hours of the day and night, and distract the slaves with constant litter scooping demands.


LOLCATS will get NO POINTS and may lose some.


so make with the stuff and things.

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Oh great mistress!!


First off, I have pinned your thread for you, in a rare display of my tiny forum privileges! :D


Next off, I have brought you a court of minions to please you! The.. erm... original cast was not available so I improvised. Enjoy!



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awwww..... spike! *drools*


Oh, Great Nae'Bliss, I bring you two adorable minions to add to your collection,

my nephews, Qui-Gonn and Obi-wan (Not real names, just what my brother wanted to name them)



They are young and corruptable.

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cindy McNae'blispants.


I salute the grammatical revolt that your DM handle singlehandedly maintains.


Also, if I were ever appointed to the endeavor of erecting signposts in your ever-expanding Empire (read: letter e), this is the kind of thing you would see.




And I bring you knowledge! I know why Santa has big bags! I know this has had you stumped (giggity) and it is with great pleasure that I can present the answer to you.


Its because he only comes once per year.

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Oh, great and almighty Nae'Bliss,


I've got something you can put up on your yard.



I've also found a way to punish those people who disobey your greatness. It's already tested and 100% sure.







3 points for the sign... again, should go without saying.


5 points for the excellent new form of torture.


8 total.

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cindy McNae'blispants.


I salute the grammatical revolt that your DM handle singlehandedly maintains.


Also, if I were ever appointed to the endeavor of erecting signposts in your ever-expanding Empire (read: letter e), this is the kind of thing you would see.




And I bring you knowledge! I know why Santa has big bags! I know this has had you stumped (giggity) and it is with great pleasure that I can present the answer to you.


Its because he only comes once per year.


silly sign. 3 points.


silly joke, and it brings up the sore subject of santa, who does not visit my people. 2 points.


but, minus 5 points, and i'm tempted to go lower, for the presumption of assuming you have any idea why i don't capitalize.


and i'd love to minus another 5 for the little read letter e zetz... but that would make the math too hard for me, so lets just say we're totalled out to zero for this post, mr drek.


and be glad i'm not in the mood to get out the whips.

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Oh great N'B,


Because Drekka has offended you so, I offer to drag him down to the dungeons for torture.

To keep him there until you are in the mood for whips.


And, while he waits for your Evilness to be in the proper mood, we shall entertain him with the Best of Barney, Spongebob SquarePants, and a reading of the Twilight Series (to practice the form of torture that Ledinna offered you)

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oh, moon, you know just what i need.


thank you, and i am certain i will be in the mood to properly discipline the boy very soon.


5 points for the thoughtfullness and support... and 5 more for helping your naeblis out with some nicely creative tortures to increase the drek's anticipation of the pain of the lash.



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Oh great and frightening cindy,


I know sometimes the work of an evil overlord is a lonely and hard path, and sometimes one must seek cousel of other evil supervillans in order to achieve great and mighty acts of terror.


So, I gathered a Council of Evil for you:


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