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WoT Halloween


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Evening all, first I'm sorry if this has been posted in the wrong area and feel free to move if needs be.

Right, I'm a 6'2 guy, not the broadest of men, but not scrawny, kind of middle. I have long hair that I'm really not that willing to alter if possible, could you guys please help me find a decent WoT character that fits me to dress as for Halloween?


Also feel free to discuss any WoT themed Halloween plans of youre own :)


Erm maybe Logain? You could get a black coat and draw the dragon and sword pins on. He's the only one I can think of with long hair atm.


Get yourself a hadori and go as Lan. He's very tall, with shoulder-length hair, and as a Warder is probably slim and muscular.


Hi Far, I've always pictured Lan as a bulked up steroid body type. I think he would be extremely strong and fit, without an ounce of fat, but slim? No.


Sir, maybe you could get one of those outfits (kid's spiderman but I think you could get a gladiator adult size from a junk shop - that's what we call them in Oz, don't know where you're based) that have the polystyrene muscle chest. That would pass muster for Lan.


You mean a cartoon-Superman type body? Could be.


Only problem.. where d'you get a Warder cloak???


Yeah cartoon superman is exactly what I mean. Hmmm, now a Warder's cloak? Tick, tick, tick, tick... stumped. Lan doesn't always wear it, maybe armor would suffice if cheap camo print fabric isn't readily available?




I've just thought.. There is a fabric - shot silk - which changes colour depending on how you look at it (I've even seen cars painted the same way!). I've got some grey silk which is woven of black threads across and white threads down, so it's not really 'grey' at all, but has black and white 'shadows' in the folds. OK, so silk might be a bit OTT for Halloween ( :blink: ) but there might be something a bit cheaper out there!




Okay, so this is NOT on topic, but dressing up for Halloween got me thinking... Hey, I'm from Sheinar and I'm gonna be a Myrddraal for Halloween! :biggrin:


And he promptly gets shot from a dozen crossbows and cut down by at least a half-dozen men.


Okay, so this is NOT on topic, but dressing up for Halloween got me thinking... Hey, I'm from Sheinar and I'm gonna be a Myrddraal for Halloween! :biggrin:


And he promptly gets shot from a dozen crossbows and cut down by at least a half-dozen men.




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