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Guys and gals, it is time

Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

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I'm sure nobody will mind - you're a funny dude and that's why you're here. As an aside, I wouldn't want to lose a solid SS, either hehe.


Do you have PM convos on Czech that you are partial to? I could attempt a merger, but that could potentially blow DM up and I'd hate to have to blame you for it! (j/k)

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Am I in trouble?


No. While implied, it technically isn't in the CoC. We will remedy that, but I can see you did it in good humor, as you freely revealed yourself here.


Good thing this isn't the WT - you'd get a penance! I might just toss you in a cookpot, but well....you'd probably like that.

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Are you upset by it? Wasnt intending it as a scam!


It's not that I'm upset with you specifically. I just had bad experience in the past with people creating a second account and pretending to be someone else while interacting with me. So it's a sore subject for me.


I've never interacted with you through your other account, that I can recall. I just remember that you post around the Illuminators. So I'm not mad with you but I feel better knowing that you will now be holding one account, like everyone else does (or should).



and Verbal, I'm glad it's going to be added to the CoC. It's important for members to be aware of this rule.






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You are, however, allowed to have as many personalities as you like. I've had 17 new ones just since this morning!


You'll have more than that by the time Ive finished with you. Trust.




Cheers Verbal! And Nyn, didnt see your message above til just now haha. Glad you didnt take it the wrong way. Cheers!


Now that all thats out in the open...



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