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Logain's future glory


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Guest cwestervelt

Just about any dictator considers the ulitmate glory as being number one on the food chain. There isn't any need for being loved so long as they are obeyed.


Glory meens different things to different people. Some of the most evil people the world has known were motivated by what they saw as personal glory. It is a large motivator for many serial killers. They obviously don't care that people to love them. The don't want to be loved, they want to be feared and to be seen in the spotlight.

http://www.sociology.org/content/vol003.002/hinch.htmlQuite apart from problems of gaining access, there are problems with reliability. It is common for researchers to inadvertently bias or contaminate the data. Hickey (1997) argues that some researchers conducting lengthy interviews with serialists may become too close to their subjects. They may unconsciously contribute to the notoriety of the killer, providing him or her with the publicity he or she seeks. Sometimes serial killers engage in gaming, telling the interviewer what they think the interviewer wants to hear (Hickey 1997). Others may revel in the glory and attention by making themselves and their stories fit the image. They may confess to more murders than they committed. Jenkins (1994) argues that both Ted Bundy and Henry Lee Lucas engaged in such behaviour. Clearly, if not properly attuned to the killer's attempts to manipulate the interviewer, the interviewer may pass on the killer's misinformation.


Besides, who ever said Logain's "Future Glory" wouldn't be short lived?


I think the salient point here is the whole "Glory" thang came from a viewing of Min's.


Therefore, the interpretation is hers, not Logains. We really have no idea how Logain might interpret whatever happens that leads to this "Glory." We just know that Min sees it that way.

Guest cwestervelt

I see you as begin half right and half wrong. You are right when you say we don't know what Logain would consider glory. However, I don't think it can just be something that Min would interpret as glory. I think I think it needs to be something that Logain himself would consider as being worthy of adulation.


I think the most salient point is that we don't know who is doing the glorifying. Sometimes I think I'm the only one that detects underpinnings of concern every time Min sees Logain's aura of glory. Everybody just assumes that because it comes from a vision of Min's it is a good thing. I wonder if that is because so many people hate Taim and see Logain as the solution to that problem. Personally, I never got the impression that Min was happy about the vision. I recall her thinking that Suian wasn't taking it serious enough and not showing enough concern.


Oh, I'm pretty sure that Min harbors some reservations of her own about just how trustworthy Logain is.


I've always interpreted that viewing as MIn seeing that Logain would do some unspecified thing for which he would become famous. Now, who is according him the acclaim??? Why are they venerating his act??? Whose purpose does his act ultimately serve???

Guest cwestervelt

Those are precisely the questions that I am saying need to be asked and to which we don't have any answers. Without those answers, we can't even begin to try figuring out what he is going to do.


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