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Okay so I might be completely outta line here, and will most likely be struck down with all kinds of lightning and fireballs, but has anyone ever suggested a 3rd faction to the Black Tower? I know in the books it's all geared up for Logain vs. Taim, but what if we replicated the phenomena that happened when the White Tower split and create a third, neutralish faction? Maybe it can be the one that thinks no one who's been driven insane by the taint should be poisoned, or one that thinks that there needs to be a new breaking to the world to truly fix things. Actually, I really like that last idea.









Oh and obviously as a noobcake I'm not suggesting leading that faction, or even joining it if it does come into existence. Just an idea.

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There was a third faction for some time, but that was with people that didn't channel. I like this idea. But I'm also a newbie here (yes, I know, I've had almost most posts here, but I only joined one and half a month ago), so I don't know what other people will think about it.


I must say I think that it would be best if both Lighties and Shadowies can abandon their Faction to join this one, but only if they do it within a week after this Faction is made.

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Why only a week? Give em as long as they want, that way the third faction has a chance of surviving. Of course if there's abuse of this, like people flip-flopping factions too much, then you can limit how quick someone can reroll factions after they just joined one.

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We could also do it otherwise. You may change you Faction, but only to the third, and only once. And not if you already knew about the new Faction for some weeks. And you may not change if you didn't chose a Faction when this Faction started. This way, we can stop people from changing Faction every time they feel like, while everyone has the change to join the third Faction.


And I think I already know who would become Faction Leader if this Faction is created...

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It's not that I wouldn't want it, I'm just too lowbie. Maybe if I start blazing a path through the rankings and leveling up my OP like a book's main character (or one of the supergirls) then I would consider it, but I'd want this third faction to have a chance. If the leader of the third faction is like a mousefart compared to the trememndously awe-inspiring forces of nature that are the M'hael and Logain, then it will crumble like a diaper left too long in the maw of the beast

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Well, two of the Storm Leaders were Dedicated when they became Storm Leader, and a Soldier could also become Storm or Faction Leader. And don't tell me you won't be a Soldier in two or three weeks. You need a total of 36 points to become Soldier.

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okokok don't get ahead of yourself now, if you REALLY want me to be the third faction leader...









Jking lol. I dunno how long it takes to rank up here. Assuming it doesn't take long, and assuming my superiors loved me and showered me with points, I still don't know if I'd want that position. Writing the blog and ranking up in several SG's at once is time consuming

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Then I become FL... Everyone who wants to become a FL can become and FL, if there is a free place. I think Locke was Dedicated too when he became FL. And I'll be Dedicated in two weeks or less (because I'm going to earn 10 points for the Roll Call and at least 40 for Hot Threads I made this month).

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Then you need 40 posts for 5 points, 120 for another five, and 200 for again another five. But just make some threads to be spammed. But you can also post your idea in the suggestion box, somewhere at the sub boards, then everyone can read it, without the thread being spammed. And have you seen the "favorite colours"-thread? I just made that thread to earn points for a hot thread. I earn at least 10 points with it. Or the "three words"-thread. I think I'll also earn points for that one...

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The light faction already is what you're suggesting, the channelers with Logain. What's the point of having the same faction split into two by saying we are from book 8 and we are from book 11??


2 factions is more then enough, and whomever actually introduced a non-channeling faction... must have been someone from the shadow, and the civilians all masochists which shadow members could abuse at will (more so then lighties, who merely used them for washing and such)

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I still like the idea that the third faction thinks there needs to be another breaking. Neither side would want this, and it also adds an element of appeal to those in the Black Tower who revel in the taint's maddening influences. Not just that, but having a third faction in general mixes things up. Who knows how other social groups would react to a new strong faction with such dire intentions?

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Maybe we can combine it... A Mashadar Faction can gain much power by a breaking. They can consume the souls of lost people. We even have a reason why some people abandon the Faction they had - their souls are consumed by Mashadar. lol. I would join this Faction.

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