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Red Ajah BTS Week - Class Clowns

Basel Gill

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Naked-Frog and I will be running this thread jointly. Back in high school, we all dealt with some sort of jokester. Some of them were actually funny, some of them were kind of lame. Some of them had some great pranks they pulled on others, or on the whole school. Does anyone have any special memories of their clowns, or their own clowning if you were one yourself? What kind of pranks happened?


One of the goofiest things that went on in my school was the time someone (I never learned who) took a toilet seat, painted it bronze, and hung it over the lounge door, horseshoe style.


We had a kid hack into our school network so the DOS Startup before windows turned on shouted "JSHS SUX!" (Jonesboro Senior High School was the name of the school).

the next line said "SCREW YOU!" (This was in 97, when computers were not yet common in houses, but getting there.)


He was a friend of my brother;s, and was not caught for several months.


Best prank ever was done by one of my teachers, Mr. Fletcher. It was my grade nine year and we were at the first school pep rally of the year. We were told to look at the screen and we watched a video of the prank. He had gone into one of the gym teachers, Mr. Carbert's class when he wasn't there, and told the class to leave the room. The teacher came back to find an empty clasroom. He was mad and went to the office to have them called back. When he returned to the classroom the students were sitting in their desks. He ended up yelling and telling them off for leaving the class. Mr. Fletcher came in and started laughing. He pointed to the camera's in the room and Mr. Carbert was a deep red.




Someone put ducks in the freshman bathroom at my school. Someone else put lawn ornaments on the roof of the school.


We also had a teacher that whenever a kid fell asleep in class he would turn off the lights and have everyone leave so when they woke up they'd worry about being late to the next class. Or they'd even find someone in the hallway to sit down and act like they were getting ready for the class before theirs so they'd think it was the next day.


Teachers can be pranksters too.


When I student Taught, we had a fellow teacher who was a die-hard buckeyes fan.

When the Buckeyes had their butts handed to them by the Fla Gators in a bowl or something, ( I don't remember the details) the other teachers in the department arranged to stay after school one day, borrowed the keys to his classroom from a janitor, and decorated the classroom in Flordia Gator colors and Mascots.


The students thought it was AWESOME!



Once, in college, I was taking a summer class, and the professor went to his office to "get copies." He was gone for a long time, so all the students hid under the desks. When he returned to an empty class, he left.


Someone chased him down so we could continue class.


Oh goodness... I shall just list those that pop to mind now..


Stick a piece of metal into the keyhole of our class - we had class on the grass for a few days, they had to take the whole door out to let us in :tongue:


Hmmmmm we stole our teachers phone, change the ringtone to porn movie noises and then called her in class :wink: hmmmm... painted pop-up pictures into our class register... fed our class teacher rum & weed cupcakes! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was epically funny


Mr Moon had a narcoleptic science teacher.


Once, he had a class split with lunch, and he fell asleep during the first part (they were taking a quiz).

They got up and went to lunch at lunch time, and turned off the light,

One of the students left a note saying, "You were sleeping, but school ended so we went home for the day,"


So he did.


Oh, and then there was the prank that went to far.

I went to high school in a pre-9/11 world.


My senior year, the second semester, there was a bomb threat about once a week to our school.

It was never in the same class time.


Because there were about six or seven seniors who thought it would be funny to get some time off of school.


It got to be annoying.


And, during our high school graduation, the boys in my class threw cherry bombs into the side where the girls sat. Very immature.




Well, this could use a bump, so I'm going to expand it beyond prankings. I'm going to tell you some tales of my own class clowning. During high school, I tended to be a lame jokester. I relied a bit too much on puns, often bad puns, for my humor. I still have a weakness for puns. But there were other goofy things. Being a huge Buffalo Bills fan, at a time when they were doing very well (this was the late '80s), I was at a game in person one time and stopped at a gift stand, buying a pair of team boxer shorts. The team won that game easily. So the next day, I went to school wearing the boxers... over my pants for all to see. Throughout my senior year, I would do the same thing the day after every win. I didn't bother if the team lost that week. I kept this up until they got eliminated in the playoffs that year., and never really had a need for them again.


I brought one of the worlds largest pairs of underpants to school and yelled at people to crawl in them with me.


My baby brother (lawls, he's only a year younger than me) once gothed up his face for yearbook picture day.

He wore the white/black Kiss like make-up, spray painted his hair black for the day, and wore a dark black shirt and his jncos.

He did this RIGHT before going to get his pic done.

The photo people refused to take his picture.

He actually had to wash off his face for the photo and go to ISS for it. But his yearbook photo had him with a grumpy face.


The next week, his best friend's mom took him to a portrait studio and paid for formal pictures of him in gothy make-up.

It had a cute little christmasy background like you'd use for babies or small kids.


And he's grinning like this: :myrddraal:


They were creepy pictures.


He told me later he chose the background for that creepy effect.


He was not known as "moon's younger brother."

I was "His big sister."


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