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Hello from England

Guest razzles21

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Guest razzles21

Hi, soooo WOT has now grown into my favourite series of books... Stephen Kings Dark Tower was close but the sheer depth of character and history of the huge world Jordan created surpasses anything that I have previously read.I think Brian Sanderson has done a brilliant job with the last two books and am looking forward to the final book so much but will be pretty sad when it's finished. I'm happy that Rand is going back to back to being a nice guy again at the end and I'm wondering if it was ever Jordans intention to have an unhappy ending... For Rand to go crazy and break the cycle... Any way... Hello ha ha

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I was happy that Rand decided to become good at end. I like Rand more than any other character in the books. And I didn't like Rand being in so much pain.


Unhappy endings are something I have imagined like Rand going to Dark One's side.


To discuss other things you could poke around.

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Welcome! Yes im glad thaat rand is happy now but I will admit that I. Liked it when rand would smite people down when they p***ed him off. But he now just seems to disarm anyone who dares stand up to him and its legit.


Anyway look around we have great discussion boards social boards and the RP sections. I believe the rp section is the best and would love to get it up to its former glory. If your interested in any of these things well help yah out and if ur interested in doingg some role plaaying its my job to get yah setup! Hope you enjoy ur stay

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