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July Discussion thread


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Already I want to start two conversations! LOL


Ed--- Korea? Really? Where are the pics and I bet you're having a ball... you know, when they let you not be on duty doing something... lol


And don't feel bad, Kathleen! I actually am trying to be around MORE and still not spend my whole summer break on the computer. LOL Today and tomorrow are going to be catch up and drive DM crazy days, though. You've all been warned. ;) I've been online since about 10 this morning with only a break for lunch. I'm harassing the @$#% out of my warder to work on an RP so I can release some energy killing something. And no, not him... lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

You'll have one tomorrow, babe. I got busy with lesson plans last week. Sorry. :( I'm almost done with them, though and I can't walk into my classroom until Wednesday of NEXT week, so we should be able to get some writing in this week, if you're around...

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