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Classes! Who needs what?

Death Incarnate

If u had the choice to live in any country of the books which would it be?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. If u had the choice to live in any country of the books which would it be?

    • Andor
    • Cairhenin
    • Tear
    • Saldea
    • Three fold land
    • Seanchan
    • Kandor
    • Arad Doman
    • Sea folk
    • Other(please specify)

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Okay. I'm back now in full capacity and with a working internet so I'm able to help people who need to get some classes done. Lets have everyone who needs classes put what classes they need and I'll see about putting something together.


And just for the hell of it lets have a look at how many active people we have at what rank. If "Other" please specify.

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Guest Faile1987

*raises head*


sign me up for a red light-saber please :D


...hmm....otherwise an advanced offense/defense or advanced phys ed training will do too ;)

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Oky doky... the majority decision seems to lean towards basic elemental manipulation or a phys-ed class. With a phys-ed class I could probably run one for everyone and in Failes case just push Ged a bit harder as he'd be doing the advanced. just to be certain is that an advanced phys-ed or an advanced weapons? (I wasn't aware there was an edvanced phys-ed, but, I have been gone for a while)


and speaking of being gone for a while. $&!# I'm really sorry Dash. I'm gonna get on that aswell. I seem to have set myself to a busy schedule.


And you're welcome to bring Zbynek along to co-teach if you want. The more the merrier the misery will be. :twisted: We can whip these young ones into shape.


so anyway. we could do both of those mentioned classes in one long RP spanning two days. day one can be a test of their physical fittness and day two can be toying with Saidin. What say you all to that?


BTW: You could even join in for the phys-ed potion if you want Jocelyn. Show these kids how its done?

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Get to it whenever Drenn, it's waited this long.


*sniggers* mm, Zbynek training little Soldiers in the ways of phys Ed. I feel sorry for the little guys now, :lol:


Hey Joce, you could always run in the nude ahead of all the soldiers...that'd be a great inducement for the soldiers to run faster and for you too :lol: :wink:

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You want Z to teach right, not give private classes to civilians (I could give you some pointers though Joc :P) anyway...let me know when to apply cruelty on a scale not seen since..well..I taught my class :D


On a serious note: .....

keep me informed? :P

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Well i'd been thinking something along the lines of a good run around the outer walls with a brief break in between each lap to stop and do some sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups and finally burpees. All in all a good day. For those of us in good shape. As for everyone else... :twisted: I may even throw in some basic martial arts training. Or make a seperate class solely dedicated to that. We'll see...


But no, I won't have Z being a private trainer during this. Co-teacher is more like it. If you think of anything else you'd like to put them through then feel free to do it.


and for Jocelyn's benefit, atleast they're soldiers and not yet well informed in how to use saidin to make those rocks. thats day two. :P Infact I think a certain foxhead medallion is exactly what you need for around here.

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