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hello all im new.


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Hello all my name is George and im new to the WoT community. i recieved as a gift the first 12 books in audio format about 6months ago. Once i started listening (reading) i have barely been able to step away to listen to anything else. I just finished the 12th book in the series and just bought the 13th book towers of midnight. Am aspiring to be an active part of the forums and also to join some of the rp groups.

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Hi there George - welcome to DM!


So glad you love WoT :biggrin:


Have you taken a look around at the Social Groups and the RP Groups? If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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Love your user name! hehehe... and is it warm and toasty in my cookpot? Quick get back to Shayol Ghul and earn me some points ;)


LOL Seriously though i hope you enjoy your time at DM, and if you have any questions just ask.



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