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The Light shine on you all

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Nice to meet you all. I have been a fan of the WoT series for a long time. I am 19 and I quite enjoy this series and am proud to say it is my favorite. I am a United States Marine. I used to be an avid video gamer and reader and now that I have joined the military I do a lot of time training.


Welcome to DM ACM :) *points to Elg's question* yeah that LOL


Anyway if you need any help with finding your way about DM just yell out :)




In the Marines you're constantly training and trying to improve yourself so that way when you do go to combat you aren't wasting time thinking about things and are actually doing. My specific MOS (or job) we do things like site security, partols, non-lethal, and then we also are always conditioning our bodies with combat conditioning, PT, Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP), we also do a lot of ranges shooting a variety of weapons. My specific job involves a number of different things to train for.


So is that almost like muscle memory? Or more like training repetitively so that a certain response/reaction becomes instinctive?


Also, want to come whip our Warders into shape? They're getting fat and lazy over at the Social Side :biggrin:


They whole point is to make it muscle memory. I think I would enjoy whipping some warders into shape. I already had my eyes set on the BT and WK which I have joined. I suppose I could join the Warders also. What do I need to do?


Welcome to Dragonmount...can I call you Cair? Your full handle is quite a bit of typing >.> Thank you for serving our country! My brother is in the Air Force, my Dad was in the navy and my Grandpa was a Marine. We like to joke that we need a Soldier in there somewhere too. My Grandpa can still kick anyone's a** with his pinky, he's just that awesome. Hope you enjoy the site and have a lot of fun! If you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to pm me :D


Hey there, Cair! Welcome to DM, looks like you've already made some friends and I assure you theres many more to make. I'm glad to see another young fan of RJ here at DM.. I'm not an American, but I do commend you for serving your country- Once again, welcome, and I'll be seeing you in the Black Tower. :biggrin:


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