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I'm new !! ok, big deal but ?? about Galina

Guest taey15

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Guest taey15

I just started re-reading this series. I actually started when the FIRST one came out--- yes, I am THAT old :tongue: --- but I became frustrated when the author deviated from the normal "3 books and done" format. So I decided to wait until they were all done... I find it hard to remember what happened in previous books if they only come out every year or two... I need to read them fairly soon after one another! Anyway, I am SO happy I started reading the series again -- so detailed and involving and complicated - I will re-read the whole series again after I finish it the first time-- I am currently on book 9 "winter's heart".


My character question-- I know Galina ( now a gai'shain held by Shaido Aiel) was a Tower Aes Sedai, sent to capture Rand Al'Thor-- but was she also part of the Black Ajah? At least revelaed up until Book 9?





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Welcome to Dragonmount!


On Galina, I can't remember, but she was a Red, so close enough lol.


Yeah now is a really good time to pick up the series again, because all but the last book is out.


There's the Prologue, New Spring, as well.

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another way too keep it fresh well some of the stuff anyway is through rp, using the base foundament over and over that makes out the world...doesnt help with the storyline as such though

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