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Hey everyone


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Welcome to DM!!! FoH is one of my favourites in the series!


How did you find WoT? I love seeing new people picking up there series and seeing their reactions - i have to live vicariously through virgin WoTers because i have been reading it for so long i think i've forgotten how that first read felt LOL.


I started WoT about 19 years ago now, and i have been re-reading ever since.


I hope you enjoy your time here with us and if you have any questions feel free to ask here or send me a PM (the envelope under my picture) and i'll be only too happy to help.



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Welcome to Dragonmount!


I will warn you, be careful if you visit the discussion forums, because the tend to have a lot of spoilers.

So if you don't want spoilers, be careful.


Otherwise just jump in and have fun. There are a lot of cool things and cool people. Like Ama for instance. :wink:

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Thank you both! And yes, I've been avoiding any book discussion boards -- I figured they'd be rampant with spoilers. I found Wheel of Time through a friend in High School who recommended me Eye of the World, and I mistakenly said it looked dumb. Flash forward to college now, I needed something to read and I was trying to remember that "Eye" book. I found it, and realized I made a huge mistake when I said no. I am absolutely in love with this series! I'm just about done with Fires of Heaven, and I'm looking forward to Lord of Chaos. :)

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