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Breaking Bad Season 4


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that was an immensely satisfying season finale



So Walt DID poison Brock! And oh wow the way Gus died. Classy to the very end. And when Walt said "I won.", chills man I got them. I thought Jesse might have found out that Walt did it at the end there but I guess that's for next season. Oh and did you notice how Walt took out those guys who were holding Jesse prisoner like it was nothing? Man he is getting cold. Has anyone told Skyler that Ted's dead yet? And of course where is Mike? Still in Mexico I guess. I wonder what he'll do when he finds out about Gus.



that was such a good season

I feel content

I can wait a year or even two for another

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So I guess their going to have to change the name of the show to Broke Bad. That was a great episode, and a great finale.



So I guess Walt can't fall much more then he has, he basically became Gus. I really don't think there can be any redemption for him now. He has poisoned a child, blown up an old folks home, and he was willing to let his neighbor get killed just to make sure his house was empty. He ain't Breaking Bad anymore he is Bad.


It's a shame we lost Gus though. He was a very interesting character, I would have loved to learn more about his time in Chile. But I guess he had to go.



1 season left, I can't wait to see where we go from here.

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to be honest I'm still not hating Walt yet

he's a bad guy to be sure

but it's not like we've never been a fan of villains in the past (R.I.P. Darth Vader, 1977-1999)

and honestly

he still has a chance to redeem himself

he really does

he did some really bad things this season (which I'm not going to list because I'm too lazy to make spoiler tags right now (even though the act of explaining why took many more characters than spoiler tags would have....)) but you could easily say most of that stuff was self preservation and most of the people deserved it

the people who didn't deserve it had no lasting harm done to them


the way I think Walt is going to break bad and become the real monster is to do something horrible to his family

that's what he claims this has all been for

that's why he's done all this

for his family


but if, for example, he kills Skyler because she threatens to tell the DEA what's been going on there's no redemption

he wont even have the shadow of an excuse to hold onto


that's the kind of act I'm expecting to see in season 5


also re: Gus/Chile



recall the flashback Gus had

remember when that cartel boss guy said something like "if I didn't know who you were you'd be dead already" or somesuch?

kind of implies Gus was already important somehow even at that point

so we can probably expect some Chilean blowback (heh)



and I did spoiler tags anyway...


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I would say that I still don't hate Walt. But I have lost all sympathy for him now. If the cancer gets him or someone else does, he deserves it now. I wouldn't mind Walt finding redemption, but I don't think its in the cards anymore. The reason I can still pull for him is Bryan Cranston, he plays that character just right, he bumbles in all the right places but can still pull off what he did in the last episode and play it perfectly believable.


I figure the only thing that can stop Walt now is Hank finally figuring it all out and that will make for one hell of an episode.

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So this means we get 8 this year and 8 next year.



“We’re splitting it,” says [“Breaking Bad” star Bryan] Cranston, who’s currently shooting the fifth season premiere in New Mexico. “We’re going to shoot the first eight, then take a four-month production break, then the rest will air next year.”

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i'm happy now the project free-tv has gotten all the dead links taken care of and have started catching back up on the show. still got half of season 3 and all of season 4 to go; so i should be getting caught up just as Season 5 is getting started.



now hopefully AMC will do a "series rewind" with this show in May/June so i can get Bubba hooked since he wont let me rent the previous seasons :tongue:



to put it in prespective where i'm at; walt just agreed to the 3 million/ 3 month deal and basically told Jessie to GFY in the lawyers office. and yes, Walt is starting to annoy me now. definately tema Jessie right here

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I'm ok with a split


although I'm not too sure it'll be 8 this year and 8 next year since iirc I read that they wanted to premiere this July and if they do I'd expect the second half to premiere sometime in Oct-Dec

otherwise the break just seems way too long

unless they premiere the first half in the fall anyway

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