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Doctor Who Series 6


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The marks was really pre-handrecorder. They needed a visual way to mark they had seen an alien so they wrote on their bodies to indicate how many they had seen. That way if you looked away and saw some marks on your arm you know you just saw one.


Ah ok, makes sense thanks.


I don't think it was suddenly. It was months between episode 1 and episode 2. The Doctor even mention the timeframe and how hard it was to compile information about the enemy. If you recorded something or wrote a note... or something like that when looking... then looked away you could get some information that you would not forget. Meaing you were remember all the facts from your note but not writing it. The Doctor is smart and he probably started doing this the first time he noticed something was off.



Oh ok see the reason I was confused is because in the TV guide it kept saying the 2nd episode picked up right where the 1st had ended and I took them at their word.


Hmmm maybe the girl is Amy Pond's daughter and the Doctor is the father? Lol. Wouldn't put it past her, cheating on Rory. Not a serious theory btw.


Oh, just thought of something else. Was very clever the Doctor using his recording to make humans turn on the Silence (although when you think about it, it's also quite horrific; every person in the world even little kids becoming killers) but wouldn't it also be quite easy for them to counter-command?



I was having a discussion about this with Silver earlier.


I am now convinced, that little girl, may very well be doctor sung. Whom I suspect is also a time-lord, (probably half-time lord). And that Pond is doctor sung daughter.

Its highly probably that she gave birth to river, in a prior incarnation and subsequently forgot, or can't tell her due to the time-stream. (However, we do know that doctor sung. & the doctor have had a relation in the past/future, so it could just be that part of the hiding the truth)


Just a note, That little girl in the space suit, has the same hair color as doctor sung, we pretty much confirmed the little girl as a time lord, and sung can travel in time. They are travelling in alternateing directions in time, doctor forward, she backwards. And while yes, its out of order, it could have been the 'first' first time he met her (as the little girl, but she wouldn't remmeber that from her perspective).

And of course, we know from prior episodes, that doctor sung kills Doctor Who.

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Just to clarify, SD was hypothesizing at me which I mostly disagreed with :p.


I was guessing that the girl is Pond's and was somehow contaminated by the time vortex. Though I kinda like the idea that she's Sung.


I disagree with Pond being their kid. She's a red head and Irish. Though, I guess it would be funny if she was since the Doctor always wanted to be ginger.


Lastly, it's only hinted at that River killed the Doctor, never stated. And the show is never that straightforward.

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The easiest answer is that it is Amy Ponds kid. We all know that when you travel with the Doctor it changes you. I don't think any companion in the past has been pregnant when traveling with the Doctor. But the kid is living in 1969 and not the future.. or at least present day. So I am leaning away from this theory mainly because it seems they want us to believe it and I doubt Moffet would make the answer that easy.


For a brief moment I wondered if River was Pond's kid. I am kind of discounting this as River shows no emotion towards Amelia... and it would also be kind of gross if the Doctor and her had a fling.


So I am back to Omega. I still think the Silence used a little girl... maybe Pond's special unborn baby to break Omega out of his prison. Hell it even fits with last season when the Doctor had to Big Bang 2... probably plays a part in this.

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She's a red head and Irish.


I think she's Scottish, but anyway apparently the viewing figures decreased quite a bit for the second episode, so I think the writers might be making things a bit too complicated and confusing this time...or just too creepy.


I have to say I'm rather confused about the whole River and the Doctor moving in opposite directions business. It makes my head hurt whenever I try to work it out.


Oh and can I ask, what is Omega?

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Omega was a stellar engineer and High Council member on Gallifrey who developed the Hand of Omega, a remote stellar manipulator which could be used to control the reactions within a star. Using the Hand, Omega performed adjustments on a star near Gallifrey's in an attempt to provide a power source for the time travel experiments he conducted with Rassilon. However, Omega was thought killed in the resulting supernova, which then collapsed into a black hole.


Rassilon subsequently captured the nucleus of the black hole and used its power to perfect time travel technology, turning his people into Time Lords. Rassilon then took control of Gallifrey as Lord President. The nucleus eventually became known as the Eye of Harmony,[4] and Omega's name passed into heroic legend.


Millennia later, during the events of the Doctor Who serial The Three Doctors, it was revealed that Omega had not died, but had rather been sent through the event horizon into an antimatter universe and had been trapped there since then; although he was able to shape that universe according to his will, it meant that he could not leave that universe. His exile and solitude turned him quite insane, and he sought revenge on the Time Lords for "abandoning" him. Despite the Third Doctor's assurances that he was revered among the Time Lords and still remembered fondly, Omega still sought retribution. He made two attempts in the television series to re-enter the positive matter universe, in The Three Doctors where he attempted to force the Doctor to take his place in the antimatter universe so that he could depart it, and in the serial Arc of Infinity where he attempted to create a new body for himself using the Doctor's biological data. Both attempts were thwarted by the Doctor, with his universe being destroyed in The Three Doctors when he was tricked into touching the Second Doctor's recorder- which had remained matter when the others were converted into antimatter-, and his new body was seemingly destroyed in Arc of Infinity before it could convert back to antimatter and destroy Earth.

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Woah, so I'm re-watching the episode and realized we all missed/forgot something with everything else going on.


When Amy finds the little girls room in the orphanage, what is up with the the lady staring through the door? She has a metallic eye patch and says "No, I think she's just dreaming." I'm assuming this lady is talking about the little girl dreaming? If so, what does this imply for the little girl and again, who's this eye patch lady?

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Yeah I had forgotten about that, obviously this is something important we aren't suppose to figure out just yet. My only thought is maybe eye patch was talking about the child and not Amy... certainly wasn't looking her way. But maybe Amy is locked in some place... maybe they want her special child. We did see a highlight in the trailer where to doctor says no matter where she is he will find her.



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Also... someone needs to pilot that Alien Tardis... and... there are races everywhere that would tear the world apart for one Time Lord cell... so if the Silence got that one cell... and used the spacesuit to gestate the child... the Silence would have their pilot.

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Interesting...very interesting.


I had the feeling that woman was talking about Amy to someone in the room with her. Does it strike anyone else as a bit Dream Worldish? One moment the woman and the window are there, the next gone. And maybe the woman was a Dream Walker lol.

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Interesting...very interesting.


I had the feeling that woman was talking about Amy to someone in the room with her. Does it strike anyone else as a bit Dream Worldish? One moment the woman and the window are there, the next gone. And maybe the woman was a Dream Walker lol.



Actually no... to the part of it being Dream Worldish. If you recall from the Dream Walker episode there were no indications that anything was a dream. I do want the dream lord to come back... but I don't want a whole season where Amy was dreaming and she wakes up in the end. I don't think the writers are that lazy.

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I meant from WoT lol. I don't really remember a Dream Walker episode, but it does ring a faint bell. Gah there's just been too many episodes. I can't even remember the last episode of the previous season, which isn't very helpful.

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Well the Actor is Frances Barber. She has never been on Dr Who before. Here is her IMDB for Dr Who...


Doctor Who (TV series)

Eyepatch lady / Kovarian / Lady Kovarian

– Episode #6.8 (2011) … Lady Kovarian

– A Good Man Goes to War (2011) … Kovarian

– Day of the Moon (2011) … Eyepatch lady

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I don't know who the little girl is. I have heard a few different things. It might be Jenny, it might be Amy's daughter and it might just be the daughter of River and the Doctor. I think that the dream lord was hinting at the coming of the Valeyard. When the TARDIS aka Sexy told Rory that the River is the only water in the forest what do you think she ment? I think it means that you won't find a Pond there.

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crazy theory. the girl is the child amy has conceived in the tardis, by way or assistance of the tardis energy floating around when idris tardis reintegrates. the child is seen reenerating, so must be timelordy or tardis blessed. the child is seen to kill the doctor. we've always been led to believe river killed the doctor. the child may grow up/regenerate into river, who may not be a time lord, but has timey wimey business going on for sure.


we're also told the spacesuit is controlled from the outside, so perhaps she was forced to kill the doctor.


and do we know or just assume that river marries the doctor? could her knowledge of him come from her tardisy beginnings?


i dunno, i know it makes little logical sense, but i find this season makes little logical sense.


and i'm very sleepy.


rip it apart then.



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