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black streaks across the sky


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The Portal Stone Worlds are the worlds that may have been, should the pattern have been weaved differently, choices made or actions taken; those faded worlds are supposedly those with little chance of having been - those where the choice that would lead to such a world was extremely unlikely or the action all but impossible... ((Though given we are throwing around three Tavern, it seems realistic that the Randland world is one of those unlikely ones))


In such a case, the black streaks are quite a different phenomenon than the fading or the ajah colour striping; I believe the black stripes would either be created from Saidar and/or Saidin (unlikely given that Rand would have noted Saidin, and Saidar alone seems unlikely to have been powerful enough) or else the True Power. Given that we find that the Dark One was victorious in that world, we have the situation where its more likely to be the later - or else if not the True Power then some other action of the Dark One (perhaps the initial stages of him attempting to break out of his prison ((which had not been achieved yet - because when he is trapped on one he is trapped on all)) where the pattern was being warped by the pressure).


I recall somewhere in the world is a huge dish with a spike in the middle that if anyone goes near, they will die. And noone knows what it is. I think this is my favourite remnant from our age


I'm blanking. What is it?


Oh I recall that I read somewhere about that too. But I have no idea what that would resemble in our world.

Giant Bug Zapper


Streaks imply speed, and as we all know, machinery makes noise. The lack of noise suggests organic creatures of some sort, since I think we can safely assume that any victory of the Dark One would not result in the creation of miraculous engines - the DO is against creation of any sort.


My conclusion was that they were just animals of some sort. Don't forget that the mirror-world distorted time and distance, so a simple raven flying may have seemed like a black streak. Or even a raken (if we had grolm then why not more Seanchan beasts?).


I recall somewhere in the world is a huge dish with a spike in the middle that if anyone goes near, they will die. And noone knows what it is. I think this is my favourite remnant from our age


I'm blanking. What is it?


This is easily a satellite dish. Remember, these dishes not only receive information, but they can transmit too. If this were some sort of space object tracking dish from our time locked into a fixed position through time and wear & tear (perhaps even locked into a deep space search mode--anything from geosynchronous orbit or beyond) where more power is required, it could easily pump out enough juice to kill a human. Of course, that would mean it was hooked up to a still viable power source...


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