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Ok i been awaiting stuff going along so far that its posible to do things rp wise without having to watch too much where i step figuratively


the plotline of the bt-wt bonding seem far enough along i can at least do one thing i wanted to do with my char all the time (cleared it with LG as well) and thats going to the libary


so ok obviously this is a mainplotlinish rp, ie not for intiates who train in the past, but if anyone who have chars who can interact with mainplot want to meet an ashie for a low key day to day rp, then one is up, by what LG said though a class been held its not fully spread news, so you could either i guess heard something, rumor or know from someone since there been some interactions, or you could be in the blue


i am on messenger or you can pm me if there is anything like questions, clarifications, ideas or such


I'm always up for RPing. Kat is in the Sadain 101 class, and would likely be in the library. Is there a plot to this rp at all?


not really much, i didnt know who was about or such, dont have as many rp people on my messenger anymore


so i find it hard to plan rps, as its how i am used too do it through brainstorming

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