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Perrin and mat why so little?


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haha, yeah, I never thought id see the day when people said we dont get enough of perrin. (perhaps they mean, we dont get enough of him doing something....anything)


About Mat, i kinda agree. I am not too bothered about it. I think we get a satisfying amount of Mat.


I think the reason why people may think we dont get enough mat is not that Mat gets too little time (although, he doesnt get a POV till tDR and is absent from PoD) it is more the fact that Mat's plotline is, for the most part, very entertaining, while other characters, like Elayne and Egwene's viewpoints are sometimes very slow.

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You can see the statistics for the PoVs of each character here - http://wot.wikia.com/wiki/Statistical_analysis#Full-Series_Unique_POV_Breakdown


Perrin and Egwene get roughly the same amount of PoV space measured by word count, Mat a bit less, and Elayne and Nynaeve are quite a bit behind.


As far as I am concerned, it's Perrin who gets way too much space, not the Supergirls.

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