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Prays and thoughts please..

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Not to be political, but I just think all politicians should be strung up by their toes.


*clicks the LIKE button* :D


Hope all is well Limi, it doesn't look like there will be a shutdown but someone said their paycheck statement still showed half salary so I don't know if it will still affect you or not.

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Yeah there is no shut-down but we really have to keep an eye on it. The House is passing bills that will cut costs and everything, but the Senate is blocking a lot of what they are saying. The Senate has YET to send anything to the House in the pass 4 months. It is scary when 2 of the 3 cannot even work together.


I worked on a political campaign for my internship and I can tell you that things are really not all they seem at times. As crazy as he sounded, Jesse Ventura made a good statement. If you want change, stop voting for the lesser of two evils. Vote for the guy that WILL create change. Not Republican or Democratic.

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We dodged a bullet this week here in the States. Essentially, since the 2011 ( I think!) fiscal budget still hadn't been agreed on, the treasury made Saturday at midnight their deadline, or we would have been on shutdown until they worked it out- not a pleasant thought. Many, many federal employees would have been on half pay or no pay. However, with less than two hours to go, the House did manage to agree to a budget for 2011. Now the battle begins for 2012, which begins in October.


To whomever you pray or send good vibes, some for our politicians to get a grain of wisdom would be great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

in theory 'we the people' control our government via the election process and appointment or removal of politicians, who then write all the rules, amendments. etc. that run our country. It does not seem to me that 'we the people' are being well served by this format. It also seems very logical to me that a form of government will not continue to fit the society/culture/population/ world times if was written for for forever. I think we the people should get to write the rules every 'x' number of years instead of electing people who then write their own rules. Who of our current crop of politicians would still want their job if WE wrote the rules, and they just PLAYED by them! Oversimplified, but you get the idea....

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I'm so glad everything worked out for you guys! People I don't think alot of people realized until the media started hammering it home just what a government shutdown would mean. I alot of real people missing out on real jobs. Not a good thing.

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