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Welcome to the Band Basel Gill!

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Welcome welcome I am quite glad you decided to stop on by! Corki should get you added to the usergroup soon and other members will start showing up soon to greet you as well!


Until then, poke and prod into whatever thread you deem is worthy of such poking and prodding, and once you're added to the usergroup, Horn will get you started on your recruit scheme to help you decide what regiment to join!


And then after they're done with you, I just count your points and tell you if you get to move up the ranks or not!


*hands the newbie some extra special chocolate fudge brownies and a brew tea* Enjoy! :biggrin;

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I have been ultra-efficient and sent the email to get you added to the usergroup just now! So shortly you should be able to see a whole lot of new boards!


In the meantime, just jump into the various threads on our public board! And you will start meeting a few other Banders as they pop into this thread!

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Welcome to the Band!!! I'm Kaylen of the Infantry!!! I hope you have an awesome time here with us and I can't wait to get to know you better :biggrin: Be sure to stop by the infantry barracks once your permissions get set up and visit the tavern.. I'm sure the barkeep there can keep you stocked with free drinks :wink: And if you have any questions feel free to ask.. we're a pretty easy going and fun group :biggrin: well.. the infantry is anyway hehehe

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Hey! welcome to the Band! I'm Volke, the local Infantry Bartender! Stop by and get a drink at Either the Sword&Shield (infantry forum) or the Pink Loinclothe (main botRH SG). Look forward ot getting to know you! Have fun!!!




O.O oh almost forgot! *hands Gill a bowl of Chicken wings*

"there you go!"

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Oooo Basel I have a volleyball like the one that is your avatar!! lol well.. it's around here somewhere... I got it when i was in high school and got sick and put in the hospital.. My volleyball team gave it to me lol


Glad you got better, Kaylen. Have you seen Wilson's movie?

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