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Welcome to the Band Christine!!!


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Hello and welcome to the Band of the Red Hand!!! I'm Kaylen, the RLO (recruit liason officer) for the infantry.. That's pretty much a fancy term for the person who tries really hard to bribe you to join the Infantry :wink: I hope you have an awesome time here!! Our esteemed leaders should be here soon to welcome you and get you going! Until then feel free to look around and post in any thread you have an interest in! The Pink Loincloth Tavern is a good place to start! As well as the "So You've Joined the Band... Now What?" thread located HERE which can give you a lot of helpful information starting out! :biggrin: I look forward to getting to know you and I hope to see you around the Barracks after they get your permissions set up :wink:

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*rolls eyes at Volke* silly boy...


Well, I am a Marine Wife. My husband is in Japan right now (so much fun) and I am stuck in the states. I am working on a BA in Early European History. I spend a lot of time doing crocheting, knitting, and cross stitch. And I write. That's about it!

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Well welcome, it seems a good thing now that i added you to my msn yesterday!


But welcome I hope the infants aren't trying to scare you away too much.


They tend to get overzealous.


I'm Wolf of the Cavalry, and i hope you stop by The Rocking Horse tavern, when access issues have been resolved.



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*rolls eyes at Volke* silly boy...


Well, I am a Marine Wife. My husband is in Japan right now (so much fun) and I am stuck in the states. I am working on a BA in Early European History. I spend a lot of time doing crocheting, knitting, and cross stitch. And I write. That's about it!


Being a marine wife is cool! I have a good many friends in the Armed Forces and most are marines... Seeing what their families often go through makes you really appreciate the sacrifice that you all make. And majoring in Early European History?? You'll have to come check out a new thing we're about to start in the infantry soon :wink: I think it would be right up your alley. And what kinda stuff do you write?? :biggrin: I have tried to write a little myself but there wasn't a lot of time for writing while I was in nursing school and now that I'm working I'm usually too tired to write lol...

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Well I can see the private boards now, just to note. And I cannot believe you wrote in binary... no I will not translate I am too tired. Another time though.


Yes, I specialize in the politcs, economy, culture, and literature. I dabble in was but leave that to my husband, who is a military history major.


As for writing, I put out a short story a week, and try to do a poem every few days. I am working on putting together work for a novel one day. I also RP here at dragonmount. Not as much as I used to, mind, but I do RP. I actually had a medic in the band for a while. Pity you guys don't have medics!

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It is a pity... Maybe we should think of a way to incorporate that into the band.... Might make for a whole new angle... I know that would be kinda interesting to me and i'm sure it would appeal to others as well... something to think about.. lol


And that is very cool! I can never manage to write just a short story.. I think a lot of my problems are that I have too many thoughts running through my head and I can't decide on what I want... And I am a horrible poet... My brother on the other hand writes beautiful poetry, of course he is also very good at drawing and just about anything else artistic... I am only mediocre at most everything I do... lol

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Well welcome, it seems a good thing now that i added you to my msn yesterday!


But welcome I hope the infants aren't trying to scare you away too much.


They tend to get overzealous.


I'm Wolf of the Cavalry, and i hope you stop by The Rocking Horse tavern, when access issues have been resolved.




us overzealous? we're not the ones who put bags over the recruits heads and drag them off by horse :tongue:

oh and Chrissy you absolutely have to stop by the Pink Loin-clothe! I'll make sure you get all the TQ and booze that you can drink... not to mention all the chili

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Hi Christine! Nice to see here in the Band! In case you didn't already know, I'm Jea, the second in command (the one who picks up Corki's slack follows the MG's orders), counter of points, lost student who forgot how to study and has five midterms next week....and yeah, that's me :)


Do take a look around and enjoy yourself! And...here's a plate of never-ending extra special chocolate fudge brownies! :biggrin: enjoy!

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