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I am not sure how active the Aiel are, but I had Covina, she was/is the head Wise One and she is great. I would love a chance to write with her, but I am also been toying around with the idea of a new Aiel.


Is there anyone around to write with??


If not an Aiel, then perhaps just another Freelander. I have a woman in mind, but she is not clearly defined yet so she can be molded several ways.


There are actually a handful of active aiel now both warriors and wise ones/apprenctices. There has been a recent revival of old characters as well as the addition of some new ones as well so you should have no problem finding people to rp with.


Oh yah we got a few were currently trying to get more after this new change over to DM8 but we are working on it. Currently im trying to get all the active aiel to participate in a clan meeting but only one person has actually stop by the thread. But if we can get all the members to stop by everyone will have a chance to meet our new and old members in the form of a rp! You should come and check it Out! YOU to Sieve!!!!!!!


Eq! Light woman, where have you been!!?? *shrill Weasely Mum voice* :wub: Welcome back gorgeous.


I need to talk with you concerning the Head WO position but I'm inclined to let you continue if you can be active again :smile:


*tacklesnuggles her former bio checker* missed you girl!! :wub:

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*snuggles and hugs* My whole life fell about with deaths, and a few other choice events!! But, I am finally back. Right now I have three full days and a few evenings free to write. I can of course always check DM on my phoen to keep up with messages. In a few months I should have every day again.


Let me know about the WO and all the other fun activity around the FL.

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