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February Report - Post Your Rps here please


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Its that time of the month again...time to let us in on what you've been doing.


Please post the following information in this thread:


Title of RP: title - link

Characters: name character (name of owner) - repeat for as many characters as there are in the RP

begin date RP:

Status: ongoing/to start/finished


copy/paste the format in a post of your own here in the thread.



[b]Title of RP:[/b] title - link
[b]Characters:[/b] name character (name of owner) - repeat for as many characters as there are in the RP
[b]begin date RP:[/b] 
[b]Status:[/b] ongoing/to start/finished


Only 1 per RP. So if 2 FL members are doing a joint RP, I only need one report for both of you.


Thank you,


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Title of RP: A Profitable Excursion - Here

Characters: Eltar Cordwyn (Arlow), Josiah Penzer (Thorkin Barrimore), Alina Sylan (Kathleen), Eleanor Morewin (Little Miss), Victor von Umbra (Blackhoof), Ellery Ghant (Keyholder21), Aldwyn Frewin (Amadine)

begin date RP: 27/01/2011

Status: (Still) Ongoing




Title of RP: A Deadly Job Offer - Here

Characters: Eltar Cordwyn (Arlow), Seheria Sedai (Kathleen)

Begin Date RP: 26/02/2011

Status: Ongoing

Edited by Arlow
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