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Hello Dragonmount!


Just thought I'd drop by here and introduce myself; I've been an off and on reader of these forums for the past few years while (slowly) making my way through the series. Mostly been here when my curiosity becomes too great and I just need to find out what happens with a specific storyline. Just finished reading the last three books last week and I find it's been great series overall, a few less than perfect aspects (the Forsaken are pretty weak, Egwene and Elayne can be dumber than a bag of rocks...), but longing for aMoL. I had thought the last 3 books would take me a year or so, since I usually don't have a lot of time to read, but alas I finished too soon and now I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment.


I'll probably not post too much, but I'll be a constant lurker. Reading your posts and judging you silently...



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LOL, Welcome muddy to DM, we would love to have you post around, But Reading and judging is okay too...please don't be too harsh.... >.> But if you feel the need to post, we have all sorts of things going on, hopefully you will find something that take your fancy!


A.H good to see welcoming others, that's always a great touch, thanks!

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