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If Channeling became possible in "Earthland"


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Seeking out those like myself would probably become a need. The urge to be around others similar to oneself is a basic human thing now. Pushing the limits is also a human charateristic that lands us in trouble. When I got old I'd probably go rogue for a while and die in a blaze of infamous glory.


1) What would be the usages of the OP in our times?


I'm thinking there would be many uses. I imagine that if we had a Bowl of Winds like situation, we could try to reverse global warning. Healing would definitely take a boost. War would be scarier with it, but those of us at this forum would be able to control ourselves, methinks. If we're not careful, though, we could get ourselves a Dumai's Wells situation, which would not be a good thing. Traveling would take care of that whole "auto emissions" thing. Delving...well...if the corporations get ahold of it, then that might not be such a positive thing. I can also sense that Cloud Dancing would be amongst things abused.


2) What would you personally prefer to do with it?


Me? Well...I imagine that I would do with it what I do now. Much like...ehm...Icey's situation, I practice Reiki and Angelic Energy work, so I imagine that my biggest use for it would be Healing. :) I would probably do some small experiments with it, as well...


3) How would the purposes of the Ajahs translate to our situation?


I imagine that they would transfer rather well...however, you guys have been forgetting a big thing this entire time; you've been discussing the Aes Sedai, and yet have completely forgotten the Asha'man. The difference from the WoT universe, however, would be that I imagine that the two wouldn't be split by genders, but by roles. They would fulfill their name purposes. Servants to All, and Guardians. The Aes Sedai would be more along the civilian sector, following their roles in the books closely. The Red would probably act as we've said this entire time...what's it called? Anyways, they would ensure that the other channelers don't go rogue. Perhaps they could work with the Greens? The Greens would act as the police, and the Reds the investigators, or some such like that. The Asha'man would be the warriors, of course. They would take care of any actual fighting that needed to be done. *nods*


Pardon me, but why would the men automatically be the warriors, and the women excluded from that? The days of keeping the "little woman" safe are long gone, my friend. If I want to be a warrior, I will be, and no one is going to tell me I can't just because of my gender.


Oh! I forgot to add the main part of that whole statement, didn't I? :blush: The biggest, most important thing that I had meant to say there was that "you could choose which path you wanted to follow. We wouldn't be divided along saidin and saidar. And there wouldn't necessarily be the White and Black tower split. Sure, you'd go to a different one for different training, but they would simply be referred to as the 'Towers' rather than taking the time to separate them." I hope that helps... Gosh, that embarrassing. >_> To be honest, I would probably pick the Aes Sedai route myself, and probably pick either the Yellow or Blue ajahs.


Pardon me, but why would the men automatically be the warriors, and the women excluded from that? The days of keeping the "little woman" safe are long gone, my friend. If I want to be a warrior, I will be, and no one is going to tell me I can't just because of my gender.


And she will kill you if she has to...


I do see that there would be a large policing force for people who would abuse things like 'balefire'. After all certain chosen leveled entire metropolis. Imagine if balefire existed in the middle east right now or if North Korea had it... It's worse than a nuclear bomb it's something that can unravel existence. Space travel would be possible...


H! First post on the WT boards since i became an aspirant.

1. I think channeling might be used for all those reasons, but I think that the OP might also be used to help construct. In education, it might have to be restricted in classroom use to avoid torturing students with the power. [Though I think a weave of Air and Spirit might help get kids to focus on a lecture]


2. Wow. How would I use the power? I would want to use it to Heal. And to assist me in the dusting of my house. And, because I am pretty bookish, I'd use it to bring my books to wherever I happen to be.


3. I think Yellow might still be a healer ajah. Hospitals, clinics, and the like.

Blue, adventuring, would be explorers. They'd be Discovery Channel, Food Network, Travel Channel people. Not necessarily working for "causes" but trying to reach out and learn the undiscovered.

Brown would seek to uncover old knowledge. You'd find them in universities. I am very much brown, in this light. I am a historian.

Grey, Negotiators in WoTWorld, would be negotiators here- at a UN level.

Green the "battle ajah" of the WotWorld, might be warriors and peace keepers. [Personally, I don't like the green ajah- since the book GA all seem to be vapid. This is not a comment to the GA here. They rock.]

Red I think would be a feminist Ajah. They work not as anti-male channelers, but pro-woman causes. They'd operate women's centers, crusade for women's rights.

I would want to be Red, if this is what they were about.


I could see it being used a lot for industry, unfortunately. Everyone is looking for ways to make things convenient. The OP can make things, manipulate them, predict things, etc, etc, etc. the way the world is today, people would probably use it for personal gain.


I would personally want to use it to help those I love. Healing, cooking, etc. I'd do anything for my friends and we love to do things for each other. Kinda not really altruistic, but that's how it is with us.


If there was no Taint, the Reds would be good for research into the OP and how it works on a mechanical level, if that makes any sense. The Greens would be good for the scattered wars around the world, almost like Aes Sedai snipers, I suppose. The Blues would be for charities, of course. The Yellows doctors. The Gray Ajah would be good for negotiating with politicians, maybe even being politicians themselves. Not too many differences. However, with the Whites, being someone with a degree in the humanities, I can tell you that basically the only place they would have would be as teachers. Browns would also be good researchers and teachers. And librarians.



Their focus is logic and the application thereof. Now let's take our scenario: we would have to learn how the OP works, how to Weave it, etc. It seems logical that the people who would focus on that, would be ... well, the Logic Ajah :happy:


ps: let's concentrate on Ajah "Mission Statements" with regards to the OP.


Noooo, that's not what I meant. xD I meant that since the Ajah concentrates on logic and philosophy, they tend to lead more toward the humanities. (language, arts, philosophy, math, etc) and that mostly nowadays the only applications to jobs are teaching positions for those kinds of fields.


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