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Toy and Minion

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Weather for Cape Town


and its not letting up anytime soon


How much is a plane there?


some things never change




Found a cheaper flight now though :D


true, it is off-season though


not that that actually means much though

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I JUST FOUND SOME PLAYDOUGH!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif


good, but not as good as prestik


Also. Playdough totally wins :D


I can see where you are coming from, but prestik is just so much more usable


I guess yoo can make stuffs with blu tack :)


*has done* >.>

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I JUST FOUND SOME PLAYDOUGH!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif


good, but not as good as prestik


Also. Playdough totally wins :D


I can see where you are coming from, but prestik is just so much more usable


I guess yoo can make stuffs with blu tack :)


*has done* >.>


but you usually have more playdough so you can make bigger stuffs...


I just like stretching it, mostly...

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I JUST FOUND SOME PLAYDOUGH!!!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif


good, but not as good as prestik


Also. Playdough totally wins :D


I can see where you are coming from, but prestik is just so much more usable


I guess yoo can make stuffs with blu tack :)


*has done* >.>


but you usually have more playdough so you can make bigger stuffs...


I just like stretching it, mostly...


All teh blu tack in our house is full of dog hairs >.>

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To do when bored:


- Wax the ceiling

- Rearrange political campaign signs

- Sharpen your teeth

- Play Houdini with one of your siblings

- Braid your dog's hair

- Clean and polish your belly button

- Water your dog...see if he grows

- Wash a tree

- Knight yourself

- Name your child Edsel

- Scare Stephen King

- Give your cat a mohawk

- Purr

- Mow your carpet

- Play Pat Boone records backwards

- Vacuum your lawn

- Sleep on a bed of nails

- DON'T toss and turn

- Boil ice cream

- Run around in squares

- Think of quadruple entendres

- Speak in acronyms

- Have your pillow X-rayed

- Drink straight shots...of water

- Calmly have a nervous breakdown

- Give your goldfish a perm

- Fly a brick

- Play tag...on West 35th Street

- Exorcise a ghost

- Exercise a ghost

- Be blue

- Be red

- But don't be orange

- Plant a shoe

- Sweat

- Give a Rorschach test to your gerbil

- Turn

- Write a letter to Plato

- Mail it

- Take your sofa for a walk

- Start

- Stop

- Dial 911 and breathe heavily

- Go to a funeral...tell jokes

- Play the piano...with mittens on

- Scheme

- Sit

- Stay

- Water your family room

- Cause a power failure

- Roll over

- Play dead

- Find a witch

- Burn her

- Donate your brother's body to science

- Ask why

- Wriggle

- Regress

- Sleepwalk without sleeping

- Try to join Hell's Angels by mail

- Wonder

- Be a square root

- Ask stupid questions

- Weld your car doors shut

- Spew

- Vacation at Three-Mile Island

- Surf Ohio

- Teach your pet rock to play dead

- Go bowling for small game

- Be a monk...for a day

- Wear a sweatband to your wedding

- Staple

- Run away

- Intimidate a piece of chalk

- Abuse the plumbing

- Bend a florescent light

- Bend a brick

- Annoy total strangers

- Let the best man win

- Believe in Santa Claus

- Throw marshmallows against the wall

- Hold an ice cube as long as possible

- Adopt strange mannerisms

- Blow up a balloon until it pops

- Sing soft and sweet and clear

- Sing loud and sour and gravely

- Open everything

- Balance a pencil on your nose

- Pour milk in your shoes

- Write graffiti under the rug

- Embarrass yourself

- Grind your teeth

- Chew ice

- Count your belly button

- Sit in a row

- Stack crumbs

- Gesture

- Save your toenail clippings

- Make a pass at your blender

- Punt

- Make up words that start with X O.O (...uh, as you can see, I get very bored)

- Make oatmeal in the bathtub

- Search for the Lost Chord

- Chew on a sofa cushion

- Sing a duet

- Balance a pillow on your head

- Hold your breath

- Faint

- Stretch

- Flash your mailman

- Teach your TA English

- Learn to speak Farsi

- Swear in Russian

- Use an eraser until it goes away

- Disassemble your car

- Put it together inside out

- Record your walls

- Interview your feet

- Make a list of your favorite fungi

- Sell formaldehyde

- Repeat

- Ad lib

- Fade

- File your teeth

- Whine

- Rake your carpet

- Re-elect Richard Nixon

- Critique "Three's Company"

- Listen to a painting

- Play with matches

- Buff your cat

- Race ferrets

- Paint your house...Day-Glow Orange

- Have a formal dinner at White Castle

- Read Homer in the original Greek

- Learn Greek

- Change your mind

- Change it back

- Watch the sun...see if it moves

- Build a pyramid

- Stand on your head

- Stand on someone else's head

- Spit shine your Nikes

- See how long you can stay awake

- See how long you can sleep

- Paint your teeth

- Wear a salad

- Speak with a forked tongue

- Paint stripes on a lake

- Ski Kansas

- Sleep in freefall

- Kill a Joule

- Test thin ice...with a pogo stick

- Apply for a unicorn hunting license

- Do a good job

- Crawl

- Invite the Mansons over for dinner

- Paint your windows

- Watch a watch until it stops

- Flash your goldfish

- Paint

- Flirt with an evergreen

- Smile

- Rotate your garden...daily

- Paint a smile

- Shoot a fire hydrant

- Apologize to it

- Pretend you're blind

- Annoy yourself

- Get mad at yourself

- Stop speaking to yourself

- Be a side effect

- Ride a bicycle...up Mt. McKinley

- Duck

- Redecorate...your garage

- Develop a complex

- Try harder

- Hit the deck

- Put leg-warmers on your furniture

- Cut the deck

- Crumple

- Translate Shakespeare into English

- Skydive to church

- Cheer up a potato

- Do aerobic exercises...in your head

- Play cards with your swimming pool

- Pinstripe your driveway

- Play Kick the Fire Hydrant

- Harness chipmunk power

- Build a house with ice cubes

- Call London for a cab

- Mug a stop sign

- Change your name...daily

- Go for a walk in your attic

- Challenge your neighbour to a duel

- Build a house out of toothpicks

- Howl

- Wear a lampshade on your head

- Memorize the dictionary

- Stomp grapes in the bathtub

- Find a bug and chase it

- Make yourself a pair of wings

- Be immobile

- Dance 'til you drop

- Check under chairs for chewing gum

- Squish a loaf of bread

- Moo

- Bounce a potato

- Outmaneuver your shadow

- Climb the walls

- Appreciate everything

- Challenge yourself to a duel

- Make napalm

- Tattoo your dresser

- Watch a bowling ball

- Buy some diapers

- Eat everything

- Begin

- Pour milk in the sink

- Make cottage cheese

- Tie-dye your sheets

- Carpet your ceiling

- Hold your earlobes

- Fold your earlobes

- Flap

- Squawk

- Read tea leaves

- Analyze the Koran

- Be Buddha

- Award yourself a Nobel Peace Prize

- Plug in the cat

- Turn on everything

- Drop pebbles down the chimney

- Turn off your neighbor

- Kill a plant

- Buy a 1931 Almanac

- Memorize the weather section

- Think lewd thoughts about yourself

- Blow bubbles

- Send chills down your spine

- Peel grapes

- Make paper from the skins

- Bloat

- Catch them with your radiator

- Get run over by a train of thought

- Make up famous sayings

- Bite your pinkie - Get your dog braces

- Shave a shrub

- Have a proton fight

- Watch a car rust

- Quiver

- Rotate your carpet

- Learn to type...with your toes

- Set up your Christmas tree in April

- Be someone special

- Buy the Brooklyn Bridge

- Mail it to a friend

- Go back to square one

- Factor your social security number

- Take the fifth

- Memorize a series of random numbers

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