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here my geography gets weak, but I think that is the southmost island right below the one above.. that is really obvious.. i need to go into a geography class


You don't say???



otherwise i may have to hitch hike which, may be not such a good idea...


no not a good idea. Where are you going?

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DEFINITION – highlighted not needed now.

Moles This is the quantity of matter which has the same number of elementary particles as there are atoms in 12 g of carbon-12.

Standard solution One of which the concentrated is known accurately and which remains stable for a long time.

Anhydrous No water bonded into the crystals

Hydrated Water bonded into the crytals

Covalent bond The overlapping of 2 half-filled orbitals resulting in the sharing of a pair of electrons – one from each atom

Molecules A combination of atoms covalently bonded to form a unit.

Dative covalent The overlapping of 2 half-filled orbitals resulting in the sharing of a pair of electrons – both from one atom.

Ionic bond Attraction between oppositely charged ions.

Ion Charged atom or group of atoms

Electronegativity The tendency of an atom is a bond to attract a pair of bonded electrons.

Bond length Distance between the nuclei of 2 covalently bonded atoms.

Reactant A substance participating in a chemical reaction, especially one present at the start of the reaction

Product A substance resulting from a chemical reaction.

Bond energy Energy needed to completely separate two bonded atoms.

Exothermic reaction: Energy is released during a chemical reaction

Endothermic reaction: Energy is taken if from its surroundings

Activation Energy: The energy needed to get a reaction to start.

Activated Complex: The transition state between the reactant and product.

Enthalpy change ΔH: The amount of heat energy gained or lost by a reaction.

Acid proton donor

Base proton acceptor

Weak acid/base slightly ionised in solution

Strong acid/base highly ionised in solution

Concentrated a large amount of solute dissolved in limited solvent

Dilute a small amount of solute dissolved in a large amount of solvent

Reduction: Gain of one or more electrons by an atom or ion.


Oxidation: Loss of one or more electrons from an atom or ion.


Reducing agent: Reduces an atom or ion by donating one or more electrons.


Oxidising agent: Oxidises an atom or ion by accepting one or more electrons.

Vector A quantity with both magnitude and direction

Scalar A quantity with magnitude only

Resultant A
of a number of vectors is the single vector that will have the same effect as all the original vectors acting together.

Equilibrant The
of a number of forces is the single force that keeps all the other forces acting on a body in equilibrium.

Newton I An object remains at rest or continues with constant motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Inertia Tendency of a body to resist a change to its velocity.

Newton II The resultant force applied to a body is equal to the rate of change of momentum, and that this change occurs in the direction of the applied force.

Newton III If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B will exert a force on body A. This force will be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

Newton gravitation Every body attracts every other body in the universe with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of distance between their centres

Gravitational field strength (g) Force per unit charge

Momentum Product of an object’s mass and velocity.

PRINCIPLE OF CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM In a collision between two objects linear momentum is conserved on both magnitude and direction

ELASTIC COLLSIONS Both total momentum and total kinetic energy is conserved.

For any particular conductor at a constant temperature, the current that flows through it is directly proportional to the potential difference applied across it.

EMF Work done by a unit charge as it moves around a circuit – including through the cells.

ELECTRIC FIELD An electric field is a region of space in which an electric charge experiences a force.

ELECTRIC FIELD STRENGTH The electric field strength (E) at a point in an electric field is defined as the force experienced per unit positive charge placed at that point.

COULOMBS LAW The electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres.

POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE (V) (voltage) The potential difference between two points in an electric field is the work done per unit positive charge moving from a point of low potential to a point of higher potential.



gah a science teacher sent our grade a fat word document of definitions
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here my geography gets weak, but I think that is the southmost island right below the one above.. that is really obvious.. i need to go into a geography class


You don't say???



otherwise i may have to hitch hike which, may be not such a good idea...


no not a good idea. Where are you going?


west coast town, filming for a short docu competition. And going to dis glo-in-tah-dark dance party tonight, gonna be FUUUUN! :D

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I love table football.


Me too. Prefer ping pong though


ping-pong or table tennis?

same thing


ACK! Blasphemy!

Tabletennis is the sport. Ping pong is haphazardly pinging a ball around >.>

besides, ping pongers hkt the ball waaaay too high over the net. Makes it way too easy! :rolleyes:


I've always thought they were the same thing, but called it ping pong cause it sounded more fun :biggrin:

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I love table football.


Me too. Prefer ping pong though


ping-pong or table tennis?

same thing


ACK! Blasphemy!

Tabletennis is the sport. Ping pong is haphazardly pinging a ball around >.>

besides, ping pongers hkt the ball waaaay too high over the net. Makes it way too easy! :rolleyes:


I've always thought they were the same thing, but called it ping pong cause it sounded more fun :biggrin:


it is more fun

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I love table football.


Me too. Prefer ping pong though


ping-pong or table tennis?

same thing


ACK! Blasphemy!

Tabletennis is the sport. Ping pong is haphazardly pinging a ball around >.>

besides, ping pongers hkt the ball waaaay too high over the net. Makes it way too easy! :rolleyes:


I've always thought they were the same thing, but called it ping pong cause it sounded more fun :biggrin:

hehehe my dad used to be a regional champ and my grandpa was an international tabletennis ref...dad gets a bit riled up when people claim pingpong is a sport XD


does sound much more fun tho! *noddity* :happy:

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The Incredibly Silly Story of The Pirate And The Ninja Pt 2


My Greg James Blog and Mr Russell Kane Blog had a chat that ended up with this being made:



Then we were talking about getting the image printed on t-shirts with our respective blogs written on the back.

That, in turn, led to us wondering what look a sales assistant would have on their face when asked for this t-shirt to be made.

I then had a thought: I’m a Sales Assistant! So I pulled the faces:






p.s. awful pictures are awful! XD


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I love table football.


Me too. Prefer ping pong though


ping-pong or table tennis?

same thing


ACK! Blasphemy!

Tabletennis is the sport. Ping pong is haphazardly pinging a ball around >.>

besides, ping pongers hkt the ball waaaay too high over the net. Makes it way too easy! :rolleyes:


I've always thought they were the same thing, but called it ping pong cause it sounded more fun :biggrin:

hehehe my dad used to be a regional champ and my grandpa was an international tabletennis ref...dad gets a bit riled up when people claim pingpong is a sport XD


does sound much more fun tho! *noddity* :happy:


definitely putting some time aside for the olympics

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The Incredibly Silly Story of The Pirate And The Ninja Pt 2


My Greg James Blog and Mr Russell Kane Blog had a chat that ended up with this being made:




Then we were talking about getting the image printed on t-shirts with our respective blogs written on the back.

That, in turn, led to us wondering what look a sales assistant would have on their face when asked for this t-shirt to be made.

I then had a thought: I’m a Sales Assistant! So I pulled the faces:






p.s. awful pictures are awful! XD



BUT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY the ninja and pirate

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