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Toy and Minion

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you're body 'learnt' to do something that it couldn't do before because you ate special things. I am doubtful. But I do agree that pills wouldn't have 'taught' your body anything either, actually it might have made a dependency.

Well, deep sea kelp is one of the foods that has the most iodine in it naturally. By consuming lots of it (and I mean lots; about three tablespoons every lunch *bleurgh*), and taking homeopathics that encouraged my body's absorption of the iodine. I continuously decreased the amount/concentration of homeopathics, till I wasn't taking any. That's why if was such a long process.There's proof: I had this 'shield' thingy at the front of my throat, you know, like in front if your windpipe and you couldn't see the neck sinews pretty much. This was my thyroid gland (which controls thr immune sustem) swelling up or something, just sitting there useless because it wasn't receiving enough iodine for my immune system to function properly. I had continuous colds because of this too.

Anyway that's completely gone now and I once again am gracefully swan-necked :laugh:

Of course I will have to consume iodine-rich foods from time to time, duh, or there won't be any source of iodine for me to extract, but that's commonsense XD :)

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Similar to that tunnel thing above, have you seen the photo of the sand dunes that look like the sky? Seriously awesome, even though my description doesn't make it seem so :laugh:
no I have not
Can't post a picture because I'm on my phone, but here's a link (the Daily Mail's an awful paper but this is all I could find) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1389242/Incredible-photograph-Namibian-landscape-looks-like-painting.html



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you're body 'learnt' to do something that it couldn't do before because you ate special things. I am doubtful. But I do agree that pills wouldn't have 'taught' your body anything either, actually it might have made a dependency.
Well, deep sea kelp is one of the foods that has the most iodine in it naturally. By consuming lots of it (and I mean lots; about three tablespoons every lunch *bleurgh*), and taking homeopathics that encouraged my body's absorption of the iodine. I continuously decreased the amount/concentration of homeopathics, till I wasn't taking any. That's why if was such a long process.There's proof: I had this 'shield' thingy at the front of my throat, you know, like in front if your windpipe and you couldn't see the neck sinews pretty much. This was my thyroid gland (which controls thr immune sustem) swelling up or something, just sitting there useless because it wasn't receiving enough iodine for my immune system to function properly. I had continuous colds because of this too. Anyway that's completely gone now and I once again am gracefully swan-necked :laugh: Of course I will have to consume iodine-rich foods from time to time, duh, or there won't be any source of iodine for me to extract, but that's commonsense XD :)


your thyroid will swell if there's no iodine coming in, but as far as I know usually you can get enough from tap water, usually people in the past got thyroid problems when they lived in an are where there was no iodine in the groundwater

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