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That reminds me of one of my chemistry teachers, He wanted to show us a reaction with nice light-effects so he set up the apparatus and the chemicals (forgot what they were). When he added the last one he said: "ok, normally I should not add that much of it to this mixture but if you promise not to tell anyone I'll forget that rule for a moment" Of course, we all agreed. When he was done adding the whole chemical he watched the mixture starting to make funny glows and little lightnings. But then, suddenly, it took uo to create rly dark smoke. And a lot of it. I'm happy today that I watched him and not the mixture at that moment. His eyes became wide, he said something like "uh-oh" and then shouted to the class "COVER!". We all hid under our desks and then the mixture in the front blew up. Luckily nobody was hurt, the test tube did explode but nobody was hit by anything. To this day there is a dark spot on the cieling of our chemistry room.

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Teacher: If any of you more advanced students are interested, there is a part time IT position open at Archbishop Chapelle (an all girls high school). You would be required to put in at least twenty hours a week and blah blah blah... No, it does not say how gullible the girls are. Sorry.

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My AP US History teacher also taught AP Euro History, and they made shirts with some of his quotes on it:

10. When something goes wrong with Technology, I usually panic (He was something of a technophobe-he once tried to put a DVD in a VHS slot)

9. Someone Left the kids unsupervised, and the next thing you know, someone has a lance through his head

8. One of the generals committed suicide on the battlefield, not a good way to start a war

7. So the flies get on the rats, and the next thing you know, everyone is dead, I’m not sure of the details

6. Inflation was pretty bad, imagine yourself as a 45 year old German guy, with about 100,000 marcs saved up for retirement, with all the inflation, you could retire for about 5 seconds

5. Yeah, we never went over that, but it was on the test, tough question eh?

4. As I was saying, before I so rudely interrupted myself

3. Curt-“you can’t do that”

Dwalk- “actually, Curt, I can do anything I want”

2. “Well, I walked into a garage and ‘acquired’ them”

-Mr. Walker on books

1. “I would imagine a moose would have a hard enough time navigating a castle stairway, and with a BAC above .08%, that’s downright dangerous…”

-Mr. Walker on Tycho Brahes Moose

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