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Sylar is, as always, a supremely fascinating character to follow. XD


He is TOTALLY my favorite character

I'm always torn on him. I mean, he's always really interesting, but sometimes I'm like... "Come on, really? XD" He's like SUPER POWERFUL and it's kinda funny sometimes.


But I'd probably have to agree. I used to really like Mohinder, but I'm meh towards him at this point. Noah Bennett is the other super-interesting character to me so far, and I always like Peter, even though he's kind of emo sometimes. XD


See to me I like Sylar more than Peter because he's a more complicated character. Sure, they both have stacked decks lol until Peter loses his emphatic powers. But Sylar as a character just evolves so much more as a character.

Hmm....I definitely agree that Sylar is a much more complicated and interesting character, in that regard. I kind of feel like there's a lot of back and forth with him, though. Like, at the very beginning, they portrayed him as someone who was a tortured soul-type of person, with the "FORGIVE ME" painted on his wall and whatnot. And he did express some unhappiness with "the hunger" that drove him to kill. But then he evolved into Mr. Monster, smooth-talking "I own the world and can kill anybody" serial killer guy. Then he found out he didn't have to kill to get people's powers, and he seemed to be happy enough with that. And then he changed his mind and decided to be Mr. Uber-Bad-Guy again.


He does make a wonderful bad guy, though. Easily the most interesting part of the story--even when the stuff he's going through isn't that interesting on its own, how it affects him and how he reacts is what keeps it fascinating.


Re: Peter, no, I agree. I actually think Hiro is tied with Sylar for most interesting character, in my book. As far as character development goes and whatnot. Peter doesn't have as much development or anything. He kinda stays generally the same throughout the show, it seems. It would've been interesting to see how he became Future-Peter, the one Claire wanted to kill and the one who shot Nathan, before the future was changed. Cos it's hard to buy the Peter we see NOW turning into THAT Peter. XD

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so theres bees this very large sounding animal in my attic for a few days and i figure im making it bigger than it is in my head cause its scary sounding and animals in the attic always sound bigger than they are. the cats have been scared which is unusual. and its been scrabbling for a way through the trap door and thats scaring all of us. but im putting it off as nerves and ignoring it.


my friend comes over just now, someone who is not afraid of critters except snakes, and who does not imagine things worse than they are. and she hears this thing and jumps out of her skin. terrified. she steps as far back from the trap door as possible, and says she better get someone up there with a gun cause... it's damned big.


and she scurries out of here fast.


and leaves me and the cat with it.


and now we know it is to be feared. and it really is damned big. and probably rabid.


and trying to get down here with us.


through a very flimsy trap door.


and... best case scenario, bruce comes over and shoots up my attic and i'm not collateral damage.


once again, happy chanukah.

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mazal tov to you, too. lihitra'ot.


our animal control consists of us dealing with the animals. which will be me or karen calling bruce to save us. and hoping for the best. he's an experienced hunter, retired PD, and he knows critters, and rabies, and guns. i have faith.


always get wee critters in the attic in winter... and i don't begrudge them the roof. but this isn't a wee creature.


your support is... supportive for lack of a better word. thank you.

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