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Daes Dae'mar - January 2011 Newsletter

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"Where in the Blight's name of all things unholy have you been?" Screamed an insanely pitchy Trolloc as he watched his head Fade appear from the shadows.


And so, on that note, I am pleased to announce the return of Daes Dae'mar, the White Tower Newsletter. Not that we've been anywhere or doing anything naughty. Really! Honest! Well, SOME of us have. But in ways that was wisely not to be discussed here or anywhere civilised conversation takes place. Mostly because I've been reminded that we are to remain PG16 and in no way may I use photos of Elgee doing aforementioned naughty things as a way to increase readership.


Right. So where have we been? You'd expect some sort of revamp wouldn't you? A way jazzier Newsletter full of crazy new ideas and mad graphics to dazzle your mundane minds. Well! That's not how WE work. No, sirree. We're here to bring you the same old informative stuff. With a spanking new group of writers and contributors who should be shown some love. Yes, in THAT way. With pictorial evidence required. *nods* Good job. We want you to feel the same old charm we started with. If it ain't broke, why (not) make love to it?


So, without further ado, I proudly present the January 2011 issue of Daes Dae'mar.


Let the good times roll, people, let the good times roll.


Much love and hugs,

Boopsy Sedai

Editor and All Round Nice Guy



PS. Let us know if you want to contribute to our Newsletter, either as a writer, information gatherer or just as someone to keep the rest of us entertained. Okay, maybe not the last one. PM Elgee or I. It’ll be great! We have cookies. Everyone loves cookies. Om nom nom nom nom. Join us. Pweeeeese? Kthxbye.





Along with the Excitement of a New Year, there are several upcoming Events here at the White Tower that we KNOW you'll want to join in on!


The Green's "Festival of Lights" Event continues through January 2nd. Come join in for dancing, games and discussions on the White Tower board!


Also in January the bi-monthly "White Tower and the DM World" Class should be kicking up again in January after taking December off. Novices and Algai, be sure to sign up!


It also looks Like there's still time to sign up for the class "How to get involved in politics". If that's something you're interested in, get in quick!


Finally, as we look forward to February, the Yellows are planning a mushy-gushy Valentine's Event! This is sure to be a keeper, so be sure to keep an eye out for it!


And now, here's Zosime with the Anniversaries and Birthdays of the month!


There's been a lot going on the the world of Bondings and anniversaries and birthdays, which is rather exciting- if I do say so myself. We've had several new bonds and so many anniversaries that I couldn't really fit them into this article! So let's kick things off with a little trip down memory lane, shall we?






Souv'ra Bonds:

12/20/2007- Mystica and Taymist, both of the Red Ajah.

12/20/2007- Naeann and Tigara, both of the Yellow Ajah.

12/02/2009- MashinShin al Mashiara and Mirshann Uuranor, both of the Gray Ajah.

12/17/2009- LilyElizabeth and Minuet, both of the Green Ajah.


Warder Bonds:

12/18/2009- Minuet, of the Green Ajah, and Bursius, Der'Manshima.




Souv'ra Bonds

1/14/2007- Cairos, of the Gray Ajah, and Dah'mir, of the Yellow Ajah.

1/14/2007- Charis al'Aslan, of the White Ajah, and Dah'mir, of the Yellow Ajah.

1/20/2007- Mystica and Laurana, both of the Red Ajah.

1/17/2008- Delenn, of the White Ajah, and Kara, of the Green Ajah.



To all of those who had bonding anniversaries from August to November we wish you all well, and hope that your bonds stay strong and continue to grow.




We also have quite a few birthdays for December and January, so here they are!



3- Alarwyn & Kathana

5- Zosime

13- Torrie

17- Boopsy

22- Moghedien

23- Reyn



2- alannalynn

19- Damane




Happy Birthday you guys! And to all who had birthdays in August-November, we wish you a belated Happy Birthday as well!


Did we miss your birthday or anniversary? If so, send us a PM and we'll add you to our list!



By AJ and Song

What's Happened? If you ask me what's happened, I think all I need to say is look around! DM8 happened! And, with DM8 came lots of... shifting and new people and issues, but we're all here and breathing, right? Did everybody make it over? Uh oh, who got lost in the ethernet? *looks around* They'll find their way eventually! *wink*

Also under the category of what happened is a lack of news for you dear poeple, so we'll do our best to get you back up to date with those new Aspies you missed, maybe you missed a bond, maybe an entire month of raisings? We'll get to those too, don't you worry one little bit dearies!

New Aspies! We definitely can't say we've been lacking in those! You've seen them, trying to prank the Reds and being sent to the kitchens, but have you seen the others, living in closets and filling up cabinets with their luggage? Yeah, there's that many! Please welcome our new aspies!

Aes Sedai Pathed:

End of July: Zosime, Krakalakachkn (Krak, not Crack)

September: Song of Ice and Fire, mama witch

October: Chikara, Madeleine, Pam, Nyanna al'Meara

November: sarahmck, SecretlyNinja, Evelyn, Necit, Axiom, KeyHolder21

December: Aine, Asha'man Hall, Veranza, Tinuviel78, Poetstorm, kahlan, Makaria Moira

Warder Pathed Aspies:

August: Visar Falmaien, Axlrose, Sigillium, Bruce Aybara, thebeatpoetic

September: Kemian, Engarm, Juan Hangslow, Auld manriva, Ikkarus

October: barbarian, lynchgrinch, Lessa Nikia, Deadlyfreind, The Warder

November: RubberDucky, Nargbert, Garyuu, Allysana

December: BaLeFiRe WRaTH, stein92, Rands Hand, Tal, oribiasi, fourth_letter

Next in Line, Promotions!

Charis Sedai, or CJ, is now Head of the Green Ajah! Congratulate the new Captain General

Please congratulate Adella as well, the new Assistant MoN! And Tynaal and Kathleen, our new Guidance Counselors! Here!

Our new Head Brownie, Liathiana! Congratulate the new First Chair

The new First Reasoner, Charis al'Aslan! Send her math problems here

And Little Miss as the Banner General for the Greens!



Novice to Accepted

Congratulations mottlee!

Congratulations Song!

Congratulations Zosime!


Accepted to Aes Sedai

alannalynn of the Green Ajah

Amadine of the Red Ajah

Kathleen of the Green Ajah

Onis OLeia of the Green Ajah

Pankhuri of the Red Ajah

Summer of the Grey Ajah


Algai to Manshima





Congratulations everyone and well done!



Always a fun time, let's see what new bonds we've had! ^.^

Elgee and Mystica (Red Ajahs), Congratulations!!

Adella (Green Ajah), Amadine (Red Ajah), and Ed2funy Congratulate them HERE!

alannalynn (Green Ajah) and Summer (Grey Ajah), the party is here!

ThorkinBarrimore (Manshima) and Mashira Sedai (Red Ajah), Congratulations!


Again, congratulations on those bonds!


If we missed your raising and/or bond, why not let us know and we'll fix you right up! That's it for What's Happened!



Awww, I missed the formal yellow welcomes ^_^


Nothing makes you feel more welcomed in the yellows than a spank with a floorboard by a nude norwegian *laughs*

Well, welcomed or violated. Take your pick xD





*Imagines all the fine ladies of the WT covered in chocolate.* That would be heavenly... :wub:

weeeeeeeeeeeeee! I believe I can flyyyyyyyyyyyy! *spreads arms like that chick on Titanic* Look ma! No hands!

*climbs into Claire's rape van*


What? >_>

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