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One Power Dynamics


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In my quest to understand the one power I've read a lot of theories. It seems to me that the most well thought out and detailed theories came from a WOTmania poster named Sidious. Apparently he had a very comprehensive post about One Power Dynamics that explained how strength in the power and the effects of angreal could be modeled on a cone. Unfortunately, WOTmania is no longer with us, so I can't go look at the thread. Does anyone have it saved perhaps, or know of somewhere it has been reposted?


Thank you much,



WOTmania is now at http://www.readandfi...e/messageboard/ ; you can find some of Sidious's posts there. Though the reason his strength models diverge from everyone else's is that he bases the entire thing on his assumptions about the meaning of equivocal passages rather than the more obvious meanings of clear ones; I would not recommend taking him seriously.


I definitely agree with moratcorlm. I do not like Sidious's models at all. I much prefer this breakdown of OP strength that Linda drew up on 13th Depository.


WOTmania is now at http://www.readandfi...e/messageboard/ ; you can find some of Sidious's posts there. Though the reason his strength models diverge from everyone else's is that he bases the entire thing on his assumptions about the meaning of equivocal passages rather than the more obvious meanings of clear ones; I would not recommend taking him seriously.


I definitely agree with moratcorlm. I do not like Sidious's models at all. I much prefer this breakdown of OP strength that Linda drew up on 13th Depository.


I've read the article at 13th depository. It was good, I was just curious as to what Sidious had to say.


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