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Hey there....new recruit here!


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Hello there! I figured since I've been added and can see the boards it's about time to introduce myself. :D


My real name is Laura. I've always been into music and am only recently looking to do something other than sing in the shower or while washing dishes. I do Christmas caroling and am hoping to join my church choir as a start. Other than that I love to travel. Me and my husband backpacked through Mexico for 3 weeks taking the non-tourist routes and almost once getting captured by banditos while on a bus going through the mountains. It was wild and a great adventure. :) Something to someday tell the grandkids about if I ever settle down and have any. :D


I'm a bit of an adventurer, amateur poet, photographer, ghost hunter, and urban explorer. I love going into abandoned historic places and exploring them. Can't think of anything else at the moment but feel free to ask. So I'm looking forward to meeting some great people. :)


Carai an Caldazar! :bandredhand:

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Welcome to the Band!


Real life has finished drawing me away from the Band - at last! I did get you added to the Band's usergroup, so you should be able to see our plethora of private boards. Also, if you fancy being a guinea pig or lab rat for a forthcoming trial of the new recruit system, please let me know, and I will let you know all about it!


In the meantime, sit back and enjoy your time here! Watch out for our activities, which should be coming thick and fast now I am free of exams!

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stop giving recruits battle brew Bella!


We drink Bandy...


*rolls the raw recruit a barrel of bandy*


Hi, I am Sir Imperium of the Cavalry, I want to see u down that barrel!

o-O *eyes barrel* Yes sir Mr. Imperium sir!

*hoists the barrel with her knee and untied hand” Here goes :D

*drops empty barrel and wipes mouth* Whew! Now that’s a drink. :D An honor to meet you sir. :D



Welcome to the Band!


Real life has finished drawing me away from the Band - at last! I did get you added to the Band's usergroup, so you should be able to see our plethora of private boards. Also, if you fancy being a guinea pig or lab rat for a forthcoming trial of the new recruit system, please let me know, and I will let you know all about it!


In the meantime, sit back and enjoy your time here! Watch out for our activities, which should be coming thick and fast now I am free of exams!

Hi! Thanks for the welcome. Yep I can see the boards. I’ve peen poking around since yesterday. Sure, if you need a guinea pig for the new program I’ll volunteer.

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