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Pokemon Black & White


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After more than 10 years since the original Pokémon titles first hit Japan, the franchise has shown no sign of slowing down. Game Freak’s remakes of Gold and Silver were evidence that the classic collecting mechanic and rock-paper-scissors style battle system hadn’t lost their luster. Still, Pokémaniacs have anxiously waited for the franchise to take steps in a fresh direction, and with the upcoming releases of Pokémon Black and White versions, these loyal fans won’t have to wait much longer.


Pokémon Black and White versions immediately show off the fifth generation’s new direction with an animated cutscene. An uncharacteristically dark scene reveals a crowning ceremony for a mysterious young man with no supporting details as to who he is and the role he’ll play. The scene then jumps to a more upbeat scenario with the signature Pokémon theme song as the words “Hope,” “Dream,” and “Discovery” flash on screen, all the while expansive new environments of the Isshu region and images of a ton of new Pokémon just waiting to be captured are revealed.


With a quick introduction by Pokémon expert Dr. Araragi, you’re free to explore the bustling new world. While we know little about the plot at this point, you’re still responsible for collecting badges and battling stray trainers you’ll encounter on your quest that include confrontations with troublesome Team Plasma. After a few hours of exploring the Isshu region, you’ll notice more densely populated towns, tall housing structures spanning multiple floors, and the Pokémon Center and Poké Mart combined into a one-stop shop. Environments are colorful and detailed with each new area featuring its own catchy soundtrack. Camera angles dynamically change while traveling, giving the three-dimensional space a sense of large scale. You’ll have plenty of land to cover when seeking the 156 new Pokémon that appear in Black and White.


Players will select among three new starter Pokémon: Tsujara (grass-type), Mijumaru (water-type), and Pokabu (fire-type), and begin traversing from one grass patch to the next to engage monsters in combat. The battle system has received a graphical overhaul, as creatures are far more detailed and better animated than the old pixelated sprites. Camera angles shift to give a greater sense of action and battle music intensifies when your Pokémon are low on health. Up to three Pokémon are able to participate in some battle scenarios, introducing an element of party-based combat. Even though the battle mechanics remain similar to one-on-one, figuring out which half of your six Pokémon to call upon while being mindful of elemental strengths and weaknesses certainly shakes things up.


Pokémon Black and White have already been greeted with success in Japan, becoming the fastest selling DS games of all time. We will just have to wait a bit longer as Game Freak’s latest entries launch next spring in North America.


Personally, I stopped playing after Emerald Green came out for the SP. I might have to pick this one up, however.

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  • 3 months later...

I am currently playing Pokemon White ^^ and while I am a diehard fan of the first generation pokemon and the original storyline, this one isn't half bad. I do think the new pokemon don't have the same look they used to, which sucks. They are growing on me though. When I first saw them a few months ago I thought they looked so stupid, but since I've started playing some of them have grown on me. I chose Pokemon White because I liked the look of Zekrom, the black electric/dragon type pokemon, better than Reshiram.


I'm up to the Elite 4. I already tried to beat them once, but I didn't buy enough revives so I just quit before I lost. I beat two of them, and could've beat the third but I knew that I wouldn't have revives enough for the last one. I'm probably going to retry to beat them tomorrow, I took like a week break because I played it for like 3 days straight to get there and it was exhausting.


I also thought that the 3 on 3 battles were fun. They took a lot of strategy because the middle pokemon on your team of three was the only one who could battle all three your foes pokemon, so you had to choose carefully because, of course, some types are immune to some types.

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I'm about halfway ish. Just beat the 5th Gym leader.


I gotta say, it's pretty cool. I too picked White version because of Zekrom, and because of some forest that I havn't gotten up to yet that has more pokemon than the black verison. Catchable, that is to say.


I've dabbled in Gold/Silver, never touched Emerald/whatever, but this version seems a lot more 'fresh'. It kind of jumps off the screen a bit. It's true the pokemon themselves are a bit...I dunno. Just overall, not as cool. I'm yet to have to make an agonizing choice over who to have in my party, because really there are only six that I really really want.


Also my starter just evolved for the second time. Pignite? Or Something? Roar..something. I called him Spitroast anyway. The electric horse (zeppelin) is pretty cool, and I just got Tortuga...something...ancient turtle pokemon from the fossil (Hilux). looking forward to some Dragon type's.


A lot of the pokemon seem a bit uninspired. I remember the days of Ponyta and Growlithe and such, where every pokemon was a bit cool. I just finished fighting ice cream ffs. It's a bit much.






Then again, I'm 26. I'm clearly not the demographic they had in mind making this game!

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Yeah I'm almost 23, so I figure it wasn't made for my age either. I should be ashamed that I still love pokemon, but I'm not.


I picked the grass type, Snivy, for my starter. I was way upset because I'm a fire type all the way, then water, then grass, but Tepig was just so ugo. Snivy and his evolutions had the visual appeal to me moreso than the others. Being a pokemon trainer has always been my thing, I've never been interested in completing the pokedex or whatnot, but my party must have a visual appeal to it as well. I find that all the pokemon I'm taking with me to the elite 4 are adorable in some way ^^


The dragon types are pretty cool. I caught a few after awhile. I'm not sure how big into spoilers you may or may not be, but one of them are in my party right now. He, and actually it's a she, she's the only female in my party *pouts*, isn't cute in the standard way, but I've always made an exception for my dragons. That's my favorite type, cliche I know.


Did you get the liberty pass and in turn Victini? Fire/psychic type? badass. May be my favorite pokemon of the 5th generation.


I played Red and then Gold, but I totally skipped generation III, then I guess 2 years ago now I decided I wanted to try pokemon again and picked up platinum when it came out. I think I totally like White more than Platinum. Of course, nothing will ever beat Generation I. My favorite pokemon will always be from Gen I.

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Spoilers for a Pokemon game? I'm pretty sure I know how it'll shake out! Defeat team plasma, defeat the 7 magii, defeat N, defeat the elite 4...


Actually with Team Plsma being all "Free teh Pokemon!" the story is actually intruiging. It's a strong message that makes you think Oh man I'm keeping animals in a ball...I'm curious to see how it is justified, if at all. Apart from what I've already seen, of course.


I was very tempted to go with the water starter, his final form is probably the most badass looking out of them. I'm with you, my party has to look the part, otherwise it's just... Whats the point. Who's going to notice me with chromosome deficiant pokemon?


Nobody, that's who. But Tepig has so far destroyed all that have come before him, so I can't really complain. 5th gym down and only now are some of my other guys catching up to him, he's still clear by 5 levels easy though. Going to evolve the green Pansig soon, look slightly better after that hopefully... I can't think of any other grass pokemon I like the look of.

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man i rmemebre when the 1st gens came out for this series of games, and watchign the show while playing.



i've always been a huge fan of the original Blue version. *points to Avatar* Abra PWNS all!!! serisouly, i kicked butt thruogh the game with just him and Charmander *nods* my party was based mostly on power; which types could hit the hardest and kill in the least amount of moves. so i always ended up with these Pokemon in my party (there typical names are in parens)


- Abrakadabra (Daniel)

- Butterfree (Free Bird)

- Charizard (Jack Mehoff)

- Haunter (Scaralicous)

- Pigeto (Wing Master)

- Gloom (Flower Child)



*Snuggles Gloom* i always loved Oddish tbh, it's sooo cute before it evolves to Gloom




i couldn't get into any the next gen games after Yellow, and even then not so much. was never a fan of pikachu/riachu too weak for me and too many others that were immune to his attacks not to mention not a decent # of attacks with any of the strong ones he eventually got.


so i dunno if i'll like the White or Black really.

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I always crafted my lineups to fill in any weaknesses. Mine were well-rounded with many different fields of expertise.


I think my lineup was usually:


Blastoise (or Charizard)


Golem or Dugtrio

A electric type - usually Raichu

A bird - either Fearow or Pidgeot


and a fighting - usually Primeape



Of course, my lineup varied from game to game. But that was probably my most used.

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I've always wanted and never got a Scither. So bitterly disappointing.


Also I never had someone to trade with, so my Golem's etc never got thier 2nd evolution.


Mmm Blastoise. Hydro pump ftw!




Thats one of my beefs with the latest gen. Pidgeot or Fearow = Awesome 'plain' Pokemon. the Gen V birds? Not so much.

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Yeah, I would always get my sister's gameboy and trade my Graveller to her game and back. Same with Haunter.



I was the same way with Scyther (and Pinsir), but then I finally got one and it had no moves. Very disappointing.


Scyther's only good move was Slash and Pinsir's was Slash too as well as Guillotine.

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I love Rufflet which evolves into Braviary, it's so American and patriotic!!! It's another one in my party now ^^ but all in all most of the bird pokemon suck.


I never traded with anyone either. I never had friends that played pokemon and now a days I know you can do it over the wifi stuff... but I have no idea how. Technology hates me lol

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