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Alaksulel, Alaksuiel, where for art thou Alaksuliel?


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You aren't stealing one of my best chosen!!


Methinks we have a new vic erm... candidate for our seduction task. ;)


Welcome to Shayol Ghul. Pull up a chair and stay awhile. You really don't have a choice. -grins mischeviously-

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-looks at Lily and then back at Fnorrl and laughs-


He thinks his sword will scare us isn't that cute? -waves her hand and watches as the sword goes flying behind her back, she hears Aust cry out in protest- Oh... Sorry Aust.. didn't know you were back there. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. -wraps up Fnorrl or whatever his name is in a weave of air and walks him down to the dungeons and then secures him in one of the chambers-

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