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The Month of "Thanksgiving"


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For those of us in the USA, November is the month of a traditional holiday that involves an absurd amount of football, eating really good food and usually to much of it! It is also the day that says Christmas is only a month away and serious shopping starts the day after! At least that is the present day version! *grin*


Traditionally, though, this was the day to stop and give Thanks for the bounty of the harvest and having food for the long winter, and giving thanks for family, friends and neighbors! Sometimes that gets lost these days in the busy schedules, making the super dinner and the football!


So here at the Kin...*smiles* we like to take the time this monne to reflect and share with each other, all the things we have to be thankful for in our lives! Not just for the Americans..but for ALL of us! I believe everyone has at least one thing a day to be thankful for! Both big and the small things!


So let's hear from you folks! What are you thankful about in your life today! Feel free to post more than once!

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I'm so thankful for the help I'm getting this month regarding my health. A lot of things are being resolved, and I'm getting referral letters to those that I need to see. I got a rehab stay at a physiological rehab center, and this is where I've been for the past two weeks. Staying here for almost two weeks still. Thank heavens that I got this help!

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I am thankful for days off work after the worst days I've had in years! I'm hoping it will result in renewed energy next week, but I'm too tired right now to think about it! Yay for the weekend on top of those days off!

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Today I'm thankful to be able to get through more writing and reading, too. I finished ToM last night. I finished another book for school today. I wrote for NaNo...


Now, if only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow... *sighs*

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