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How Does Mat Know Where Tower of Ghenjei Is?


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So this is definitely not a spoiler thread since I'm only on page 28 of ToM, but I still can't figure this out! We know Mat is going to the Tower of Ghenjei, because of the cover of ToM, the inside jacket description, and because of his plans to do so as revealed in tGS. But how does he know the Tower is a portal to the Finns? He saw the Tower in EotW, but Brigitte told PERRIN that the Tower was a portal to the Finns, (or maybe a portal to Tel'aran'rhiod, due to the fact that Perrin saw Slayer escape into the Tower). Is it a portal to both the Unseen World and to the land of the Finns? And how does Mat know this information? Did Perrin tell him at some point that that's what the Tower is for? In Moiraine's letter she says Mat will know the way. How does she know that? Because he saw a Tower in EotW, even though he had no clue what the Tower was all about? I just would love some clarification on how Mat came by the information that they had to make their way to the Tower next...THANKS!!!!


doesnt olver tell him, back in KOD (i think) when he finally reads the letter, birgitte told olver how to defeat the snakes and the foxes etc and when olver tells him where they live (in the ToG) matt remembers a tall white tower from his time on Bayle Domons boat and relises that must be the tower...


dont have my books on hand but it went something like that i think


Bayle Domon pointed the tower out to Mat in TEotW. Domon didn't know it was the Tower of Ghenjei, but he knew where the tower was matching the description. Mat remembered this as they discussed it for the first time in KoD.


yeah as pointed out before Bayle pointed it out on the way to whitebridge, he said its a tower of burnished steel 50 paces across and not a mark on it (or something to the effect) that catches mats attention and he says there must be treasure in it.


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