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You're Favorite WoT books!!


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1. Lord of Chaos

2. Knife of Dreams

3. Towers of Midnight

4. The Gathering Storm

5. The Shadow Rising

6. The Dragon Reborn

7. The Fires of Heaven

8. The Great Hunt

9. The Eye of The World

10. The Path of Daggers

11. A Crown of Swords

12. Winter's Heart

13. Crossroads of Twilight


After finishing ToM, I think I can make a list....


1. The Shadow Rising (Perrin in this book is amazing. I also LOVE the Rhuidean chapters with Rand. Overall, just awesome).

2. The Fires of Heaven

3. Lord of Chaos

4. Dragon Reborn

5. Towers of Midnight

6. The Gathering Storm

7. Knife of Dreams

8. Crown of Swords (extremely underrated IMO)

9. Eye of the World

10. The Great Hunt

11. Winter's Heart

12. Path of Daggers

13. Crossroads of Twilight


Jordan really hit his stride with books 4-6. Just the right amount of detail. I enjoy all the books though and don't skip anything in my re-reads.


1. The Shadow Rising

2. Knife of Dreams, The Fires of Heaven, Lord of Chaos

5. A Crown of Swords, The Path of Daggers*, Towers of Midnight

8. Winter's Heart*, Crossroads of Twilight*, The Great Hunt

11. The Gathering Storm, The Dragon Reborn

13. The Eye of the World, The Shaido Plot excised from *d books


I simply don't read anything Shaido-related, so I'm not capable of giving a rating of the entire books. I tried reading the chapters on the re-read just before TOM's release and I've already blocked them out. Sorry to anyone who has to endure Perrin's chapters from COT based on this recommendation.


My top 5.


1. Lord of Chaos has always been my favorite book, Rand starts making his biggest moves. The introduction of Taim, the focus on Rands leadership combined with the fatal mistakes he makes, the amnesty and the Black Tower. Dumais Wells. And of course, Ishamaels return. Mazridin.

2. Used to be TGH because of the focus on Fain, but TGS has wormed its way up the list because of Rands arc and the True Power incedent, the black background to his red that doesnt feel like it will ever go away. His rage in the early-mid series I always thought was awesome but I always wanted more, worse. TGS did the job perfectly. "Do you believe that I could kill you?" To a YOUNG BOY. And what he says about how to fight someone smarter than you. Yes, I always wanted Rand to hit the ultimate rockbottom, and he hit it hard. I miss Dark Rand.

3. Winters Heart. The Cleansing is without a doubt the best action scene in the series IMO and also the best event that relates to channeling. Nynaeve gets bonus points for her involvement in the Cleansing as well. Cadsuane coordinates the defenses incredibly well and was an awesome representation of Green Ajah being the battle Ajah, not to mention the steel she shows when dealing with the meeting with "Tuon." The forming of the Logain-Bashere-Loial trio, there could not be a more fitting group for Rands representatives to the Seanchan, and I want more of that trio. Taim, with the black aura in the prologue. And he also gets bonus points because he is rude to Elayne.

4. Fires of Heaven, because of Rands heroics and wrath against Rahvin, the Asmodean focus, and the presence of the Aiel. Rand vs Rahvin was by far my favorite Forsaken battle because not only was Rahvin not holding back, and seriously KICKING RANDS ASS, Nynaeve and Moghedien showing up at the right time did not in any way feel like a stretch of coincedence, nor did it take away from Rands victory-Rahvin did the Chosen proud, very proud indeed. I only wish there was a way for him to return. Definitely my favorite male Chosen arc aside from Ishamael/Moridin.

5. TGH. The beginning of Fains rise to power, and the whole Horn and dagger quest, was always one of my favorite parts of the series. I like TGH for the fact that Mat blew the Horn, and I think Rand and Ishamael appearing in the sky was also one of the best scenes altogether. Good portrayal of Rands messiah image, would make an awesome scene in a film.


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