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New Warning For Avoiding Spoilers: Don't Use Ideal Seek


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It's a quote search engine. It's linked in the online resources, and it's been updated to include material from ToM.


Are you sure it hasn't just been updated to include the free chapters and/or prologue that have been available? I don't think the full book is on it yet...


The reason I ask is I decided to go search some terms that I thought might give me some spoilers :biggrin: , and the only results were from either the prologue, or Ch. 8 (the free one on Brandon's site), or Chs 1 or 2.


I couldn't find any spoilerish stuff from other chapters... either that or certain terms aren't mentioned again after Ch. 8. If that's the case, I'm very concerned...




I searched "Moiraine" and only got results from Ch. 8, and I searched "Tower of Ghenjei" and also only got results from the free online stuff and/or the prologue. I also searched "snakes" and got the same results.



Only things from the Prologue, chapter 1 and chapter 8 of ToM are included. As far as I can tell it's still not updated for most of TGS either.


It's a quote search engine. It's linked in the online resources, and it's been updated to include material from ToM.


It's very handy when you're trying to find details of what people actually said/did/didn't do etc. or to locate certain incidents so you can read them again. I usually insert a word or phrase, IS gives lists of chapters in the book where that word or phrase turns up, with some extra detail, then I either go to EncWoT or to the book itself. Simples! *squeak* :wink:


Only this time, IS found a word in the TOM prologue which I didn't want to see just yet. I'd thought about getting it and chapter 1, but decided that would make the wait for the rest unbearable.


C'mon @FSM. It's less than a week from now. A prologue and 3 chapters (you can go ahead and read chapter 8 on Brandon's site. It's a whole new PoV that doesn't appear in the chapters before it, so it's safe even though you do miss chapters 3-7 in between) could probably occupy you until then, couldn't they?


@jemron stuff from the preview material is still considered spoilerish right now. That's why we don't discuss it on this board.


@yoniy0: I did read T7SL, it was fun watching the content emerge, and it wasn't too spoilerish, one reason they chose that particular chapter I suppose. Another reason I didn't get the prologue is the sheer hassle getting it was for anyone outside the States. And I've got a bit of a 'thing' about doing things in order (What? Anal? Moi?? :wink:) so I didn't get Ch1. Also I can use the time finishing off that $$%*"@@#?&! decorating now that we've got the replacement windows in. So I decided to hang on; and there's now only 5 days to go...


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