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AMoL-March, 2012


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Just finished reading the update on Sanderson's page saying things he'll be doing prior to starting on the final Wheel book (http://www.brandonsanderson.com/blog/925/Another-Long-and-Rambling-Postandtrade-on-Future-Books).


The delay's primarily due to the need to reread the series again before starting, and I get that. I also appreciate that he says we've been waiting for the ending for far too long, so that'll be the first thing he works toward after his break. There'll probably be some who'll be a bit miffed at it. Normally, my pessimistic view also would put me in that camp. However, TGS and meeting the deadline for ToM has left me more optimistic, though the jury has yet to determine the outcome of ToM.


I think, however, that Sanderson during his break, and to appease us ravening WoTs (Wheel of Time fans), should give us a good Halloween yarn on his sight to prep us for ToM. Say, oh, I don't know, 1500 words or so? :P

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