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Looking for someone to RP with


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I'm looking for someone to help me with a requirement. I need someone to show Aeronwy that it's not an "easy" life being a Warder or Tower Guard. I have the same request out for the Warders yard but I'll take whoever comes first lol.


Basically I'm looking for someone preferably an Aes Sedai that will "boss" Aeronwy around a bit, showing her that "servitude as a Warder" isn't as easy as she'd thought it be.

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Carina is not really the 'bossy' type, though she doesn't tolerate improper behavior either (especially in novices and accepted). With the Warder trainees, she would preferably let the Warders handle discipline with them, so it would depend what you have in mind as a background story that would trigger her to step in.

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Well I'm not so much looking for bossy but for Aeronwy to get an idea that being a Warder isn't easy (or a Tower guard for that matter). Maybe you have some chore that an Accepted can't do and would be more typically applied to a Warder. I can't think of anything off the top of my head.


Basically the requirement is meant to teach the trainee that life as a Warder isn't some fantasy they've read in the books.

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Hmmmm, Carina is a Brown with a special love for anything to do with a ranger's life (which is the life she would have chosen if she hadn't been sent to the White Tower). There's a few things we could do (depending: can Aeronwy leave Tar Valon or is he restricted to the city like Accepted are?). Just a few idea off the top of my head from Carina's side, feel free to add your own suggestions though, I'm pretty much open to anything.


  • Trees, leaves and plants - Where's the Trolloc fights??
    Carina heads off in to a forrest (near or far) and takes a Tower trainee with her. She's out to find specific plants and herbs to study the potential medicinal purposes with a Yellow sister (who can't join her on the trip due to being on duty in the Tower's hospital wing). The trainee is there to help her collect and carry and basically act as her packmule.
  • Inventory of a Library? So not in my job description!
    Carina responds to the request of a minor noble house to help with the inventory and installment of a library. The family has enherited a large stack of books, scrolls, manuscripts, etc from a deceased lord and has no idea how to go about organising a library. Carina jumps on this, with the hidden agenda to find new resources and makes a deal that she can have the volumes copied for the Tower's library. She takes a trainee with her to help with the installation of the library and the boring work of writing up the inventory.
  • What the bloody ashes am I doing here?
    A trainee of the Guards is sent with Carina as an honor guard and ends up spending all his time standing in the corner of a room while the sister participates in a seminar on wildlife. Without any immediate danger to be seen, the trainee is wondering why the sister needed a guard in the first place.



Not the most original ideas, I know, but just thought I'd throw them out there. lol

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lol actually your first idea fits Aeronwy the best, she's a "woodswoman". She's only come to the tower to learn to fight better and for a purpose.


I will have to ask whether or not she can leave Tar Valon with out a Tower Guard. But if she's with an Aes Sedai in the woods outside of the city I'm sure that would be fine as well, but I'll check to make sure it's okay. That sounds like a good RP to me hehe.



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*grins* ok, when ya' ready feel free to start the RP and post a link here so I'm alerted, got this thread watched.


I will attempt a post in the morning (Monday morning). Weekends aren't for rping lol.

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