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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


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Also, the 3D version of Part I has been cancelled due to lack of time. However, they say Part II will still be fully 3D.


Warner Bros. Pictures has ditched plans to release "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I" in 3D, opting to open the film in conventional and IMAX theaters in 2D only.


In a statement from the studio, it was said the reason was "we will not have a completed 3D version of the film within our release date window. Despite everyone's best efforts, we were unable to convert the film in its entirety and meet the highest standards of quality. We do not want to disappoint fans who have long-anticipated the conclusion of this extraordinary journey."


The news is hardly surprising. After the successful launch of "Avatar", studios jumped onto the 3D bandwagon at the start of this year with Warners firmly planting its pole in the camp back in March during a speech at ShoWest with plans to either shoot or post-convert many of its 2011 tentpole films.


Then of course the tide turned, thanks mostly to the studio's own "Clash of the Titans". Despite solid box-office, the panned modern remake of the cult 80's classic has become the poster child for how terrible post-conversion 3D can be.


Similar results on the likes of "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Last Airbender" combined with overinflated premium pricing being charged by theatres has led to an aversion to 3D in pop culture. The point was driven home to studio executives at the San Diego Comic Con this year when the 6,000-strong crowd in Hall H met talk of 3D with indifference and talk of post-converted 3D with loud derision.


Despite the ditching of 3D for the first part, the studio however says it still intends to "deliver to conventional and IMAX theaters our final installment of the film franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, in both 2D and 3D formats" in July next year.

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I for one am glad that they made this decision, and I hope they go this way for part 2 as well. If it wasn't shot for 3D in the first place, then I don't see the point to going to the extra time, effort and money to make it 3D. I think, well, hope that WB is learning from their mistake in making Clash of the Titans a 3D film at the last minute. You could tell it was rushed, and it was completely lack lustre.


So, there's my 3D rant. I'm not anti 3D, I just think that if the studios want a 3D film it should be shot for it.


That aside, I so cannot wait for The Deathly Hallows! I had a total fangasm when I saw the latest trailer. :biggrin:

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This is the most excited I have been for a HP movie in a long long time. I love the books and I've always enjoyed the movies somewhat (start rant except for 3 and 4, the worst ones, don't even get me started right now. end rant) and this one looks like it's going to be awesome. So happy they split it in two. And I'm not a big fan of the whole 3D thing, I'm not against it, but I have never watched one in 3D so I don't really care if they make a 3D version or not. Anywho, to steal Zo's phrase, I totally had a fangasm when I saw the previews too. lulz

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Yeah I can't wait for this as well. I will def be there on opening night. I've read some early reviews from people who have seen it and so far they all love it and say its the best one yet. And thank God for the decision not to go 3D with this, I too hope they make the same decision for the 2nd part.

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More news on the Harry Potter 3D front:


While Warner Bros. Pictures has decided not to release "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1" in 3D, Variety reports that the studio has begun conversions of the previous two films in the series - "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" and "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince".


Prime Focus, the company behind the heavily panned and rushed 3D conversion work on "Clash of the Titans", will be responsible for the conversion of these titles. Since then the company has turned down 'rush jobs', so unlike 'Titans' this conversion work will proceed at a careful and methodical pace.


Due to director David Yates commitments to finishing both parts of "Deathly Hallows", he won't be able to give the conversions his full attention until next year. The studio is also not discussing any release date or street date for the titles, allowing the studio to keep its options open and spend extra time if needed on the conversions.


The news comes after a lengthy article in Variety explaining in-depth the story behind the cancellation of the 'Hallows' 3D conversion, a move which is now being championed as potential saviour of the format as it claims to be the first time a major studio has opted for 'no 3D' over 'bad 3D' and will force others to follow in terms of allowing enough time to produce quality conversions as necessary.


The article also goes into a cascading number of reasons that lead to the cancellation - from lead vendor Imax not given the green light to begin work until August, the final cut only recently being locked, various visual effects still being completed, and a lack of conversion companies to handle the workload.


There is talk of a limited 3D re-release of "Deathly Hallows: Part 1" shortly before the second part on July 15th, but at least four 3D tentpoles crowding cinemas throughout June and into July will severely limit any potential run the studio could do.



The news comes after a lengthy article in Variety explaining in-depth the story behind the cancellation of the 'Hallows' 3D conversion, a move which is now being championed as potential saviour of the format as it claims to be the first time a major studio has opted for 'no 3D' over 'bad 3D' and will force others to follow in terms of allowing enough time to produce quality conversions as necessary.


Well it's about effing time! Thank the God of Smart Decision Making that a studio finally has the balls, and sense, not to rush into 3D just because it's a money maker. It's heartening to see that not all studio's care so much about money that they're willing to make a shitty last minute conversion to lure more people into theaters at a higher rate.

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