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Little Miss

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*Senses the ward on my fridge has been breached by the shadow as alarms go off..*


Ooooooooooo No one is stealing Limi's cherry pie from me! It's mine!


*Creates a gateway to the fridge*


Where did he go... *Sees the helpful and terrified civilians point in a direction*


*I weave a deathgate sending it in front of me as I charge off*


To far this time shadow... don't think you'll get away with this!

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*Throws a deathgate behind him and watches them collide.*


Hmmm interesting result... *see's Al Jenn*


*Jumps through a gateway and creates a few nasty weaves behind him*


*Jumps through a few other gateways and begins eating the pie*


YUM! Stolen Limi made pies are awesome!

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*Gets blown back by the resulting deathgate collision...*


*Quickly getting back up I see TMD in the distance making a gateway and quickly weaving a ward on a small pebble I shoot it off after TMD having it get caught in his cloak as I see the one power spring from him*


*Following the locator to the gateway I see three hastily made wards and quickly cut through them before striding through... at the last second I see the hidden one that gets activated and tossing myself to the side wrap myself in air as fire consumes the area all around the gateway. Wincing from burns across my legs I take off running and feel the pebble bounce here and there... creating a gateway it opens to TMD eating MY PIE*




*While I yell I weave air snatching the pie right back quickly sending it into Limi's care*


What in the creators name do you think you're doing?! Just go seduce some damsel and get your own flaming pie...


*Annoyed I create a painful flash of light and walk back through the gateway to find someone to heal the burns*

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Oh sad!! :(


We both owe a lot to DM. ^^ Me and Al Jenn met here at the BT, he crashed the WT to follow me, and it's just gone from three. :) He was actually deployed in Afgahnistan at the time, and is now (8months later) moving to So Cal, which is MUCH closer than were he was stationed in Japan :P





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Silly Shadow always stealing goodies.


*gives Al Jenn a plate of welcome cookies that have been weaved for only Lighties to touch*


*Laughs happily and does a little dance, clogging*


Thank you very much Leane.


*Noms cookies*

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All these lovely romances...brings a tear to my *wipes it away quickly*


just shows online relationships CAN work.


I say that calls for a little champagne, to be one of the few Orgs with two wonderful couples in it!


*crack open a bottle of bubbly and fills the glasses*



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Mae - There are lots of different bonds all around DM. The White Tower has two of them. ^^ Warder and AS bonds which is pretty obvious, and then there are Souvra bonds. Souvra is often interpreted as Soul Sister or Soul Brother and represents that they are you family in some way. :)


The Shayol Ghul Social Group has one bond called the Cour'souvra which is a LOT more strict and stringent. You are allowed to bond only one person ever there.


Here at the BT, things are a little willy nilly and you can kinda do what you want :p I bonded my Ashaman here (well he had to do the weave and all >.>), but we are warder and AS bonded at the WT as well ^^

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