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I am a huge fan of every story having a beginning and an end. That being said, Supernatural's producer has always said the story had an ending that was not suppose to go beyond 5 seasons. The series has had such a good build up to this point, with the character development, progressing plot, twists and turns, that I thought that season 5 finale should have been the series finale. Without giving up any spoilers that episode tied up most loose ends, had a few choking moments, and left you with a feeling of a complete (or as complete as a TV series can give you) story.


But alas...


They (CW) found it more lucrative to give Dean and Sam another (hopefully only 1) more season to do whatever it is that they need to do. Since I am a fan of the series I will continue to watch and hope that this doesn't turn into the Matrix trilogy of TV series...

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As Mr Awesome said, this was only supposed to run for 5 seasons and the long running storyline pretty much finished at the end of S5. I'm hoping that they don't try to extend that story, instead just giving us some good hunts to watch. It's possible that the first episode was designed just to get Dean back hunting and I hope that's the case. I really don't want a good story ruined by money grabbing but would accept seeing the boys kicking some ass for another season.


I'm not sure how I feel about them starting a new long running storyline, it'd have to be really good I guess. After watching the 1st episode of S6 I'd guess that if they're starting a new long running storyline it's not going to be very good. It felt just like what it was, A last minute, extra cash, just put something on and they'll watch it affair. On the upside Mr Kripke is still involved in some capacity (can't remember what but i saw his name in the credits) so he'll hopefully keep it entertaining for us.


Do we have to keep spoilers out of here? would like to ask a couple of questions and don't know how to do that fancy spoilers thing I see others doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would think anyone coming into this thread will probably have seen up to the current episode, so I don't see why spoilers would be a huge issue. But I'm no Mod.


Mostly it's just out of consideration. Plus I would not like anyone to really reveal too much about the ongoing season, because I myself am not in a place to watch it until it comes to DVD.


But then again, I do have a wife that likes to tell me a lot about it, so if you must, feel free.

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I've beena supernatural fan since Season One, and i do agree with what is being said here, everything relesed so far in season 6 seems pretty disjointed and money grabbing, i can't see them making a decent plot out of it. i may be wrong though.


I can't help but thinking they're gonna butcher it like what they did to Scrubs with Season 9. That was MAJOR let down...

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I would think anyone coming into this thread will probably have seen up to the current episode, so I don't see why spoilers would be a huge issue. But I'm no Mod.


because I myself am not in a place to watch it until it comes to DVD.


I don't know if you just choose not to, but in case you don't know; It's extremely easy to watch current episodes online. A lot of times even an hour or two before it comes on TV. icefilms.info or watchseries.com both have good links to good quality streaming sites that have get them up pretty quickly. Like I said, sometimes even before it's on TV.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who knows?


Oh I do! And if you watched it last night so do you lol.





ohhhhhh, cant wait to see where this leads to! the new series is growing on me with each new episode, i wonder what could possibly be more of a challnge than lucifer at the end of the last season, though?

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  • 3 weeks later...

They have to be planning something more going on. It can't just be:


Sam: Oh noes, my soul is gone.

Dean: Arghh. Angsty comment plus obscure rock reference

Crowley: Get the alpha monsters and you can have your soul back.

The end.



yeah, because if thats it and i get like 2 more episodes in....i aint watching the rest....



actualy thats a lie i probably (deffo) will, but still....getting a bit dry :dry:

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  • 1 month later...

I have to say, in spite of Kripke's original plan, I was hopeful going into Season 6. But I've been incredibly disappointed by it. I feel like they're stretching the mythology too far. It just doesn't feel like Supernatural anymore.

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