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Chapter Titles (Full List In Order From The Book)


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gambril, just be careful. This is a spec spoiler thread, the only spoilers should be to titles. I'm not sure what your basing your comments on, but if its spoilers, please hold back.

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gambril, just be careful. This is a spec spoiler thread, the only spoilers should be to titles. I'm not sure what your basing your comments on, but if its spoilers, please hold back.



Err sorry, delete if you wish I don't mind :). Only comments about chapter 7 and 27 am I sure on, the rest is just pure conjecture. Chapter 27/7 is also conjecture but based off 'spoiler' knowledge I guess it could be considered so yeah, sorry ><. Is that clear enough, yet not clear enough to make it clear? Oh that's a good tongue twister!


Nomti, that question is not permissable in this thread. In point of fact, if it is answered, the only place it would be answered is the Full Book Spoilers.


I'll make an attempt of guessing too :smile:



1 - Apples First - Rand, confirmed

2 - Questions of Leadership - Galad, Perrin - confirmed

3 - The Amyrlin's Anger - Rand facing Egwene, she not liking what he has to tell her plus voicing her anger over the whole bonding AS thing: Elaida's foretelling

4 - The Pattern Groans - either another massive use of Balefire (though not by Rand this time, so one of the Forsaken or an Ashaman now that Rand has shown it to them there's no telling what Taim's minions might get up to)or a result of the DO's Evil and Rand's Good colliding, building up force on both sides and becoming a tangible thing that people can notice (like the bubbles of evil and the dead walking. People start to notice that the evil they've been surrounded with these last months is countered by Rand's mere presence, resulting in them accepting him far quicker as their savior than they have till now).

5 - Writings - tough one... can be anything.

6 - Questioning Intentions - The thing the Maidens with Perrin noticed was the huge Whitecloak camp (they move much further and with the highest skills in stealth than any wetlander, let's not forget) and the two camps meet (showing the viewing Rand had of Perrin with Galad). How this plays out, there's many ways that can happen. But that they will meet is a fact (so my guess is in this chapter).

7 - Lighter than a Feather - This has always been associated with Lan, so I'm inclined to put that to him again. Likely he'll reach the place where he'll face the Shadow (one duty), he'll be joined by the forces flocking to him (another duty he's always been reluctant to take on) and he may even become aware of Rand's (former) itended use of Lan's force as a diversion (another duty in taking on a sacrificing role). In any case, the chapter will involve quite a number of duties, I think.

8 - The Seven-Striped Lass - Mat, confirmed

9 - Blood in the Air - This can be anything. It can refer to a member of the Blood in the Seanchan Airforces (we've already been introduced to the Captain of the Air in TGS). Perhaps he turns out to be a darkfriend (a reference to the bloodshed in the Air by attacking the White Tower, thus diminishing the collective forces of the Light for the Shadow). I like this idea so I'll stick to it.

10 - After the Taint - Pevara's and the Salidar embassy chapter, perhaps? Showing them arriving at the BT, being confronted with the taintless channeling men, etc.

11 - An Unexpected Letter - For me this would be either Mat cracking and reading Verin's letter, where the contents of the letter is the unexpected part or Rand/Egwene receive a letter from Tuon (or vice versa).

12 - An Empty Ink Bottle - Loial! Bout time he gets back in to the story :)

13 - For What Has Been Wrought - this sounds like a Rand or Moridin chapter, but no clue other than that.

14 - A Vow - again, this can be anything. Tuon/Egwene, Tuon/Rand, Rand/Egwene, Galad/Aes Sedai, Gawyn/Egwene, Gawyn/Elayne, etc, etc.

15 - Use a Pebble - Tuon can't forget the fact that she saw those sul'dam become marath'damane. The pebble is already ripling.

16 - Shanna'har - Moridin gathers up his forces and gets ready to march to war.

17 - Partings, and a Meeting - Gawyn leaving Egwene to finally go to Andor and take his place at Elayne's side. The meeting being with Birgitte and the transition of position. Bit blah as a contents compared to the rest though lol

18 - The Strength of This Place - this could refer to the strength of the White and/or Black Tower, I'm partial to the Black Tower. Perhaps this will be where the darkfriend ashaman get kicked up the shins. lol

19 - Talk of Dragons - obviously Mat again, with the illuminator's dragons.

20 - A Choice - possibly Mat choosing who will be the third man in their rescue attempt for Moiraine.

21 - An Open Gate - seems to me to be the start of Moiraine's rescue

22 - The End of a Legend - in order to rescue Moiraine (like in the game) Mat will have to cheat, breaking the rules and thereby nullifying the agreement the Finn had with the people from Randland, forever closing the Finnworld to Randlad thus 'ending a legend' with the Finn being a legend to most people in Randland.

23 - Foxheads - Possible that Moiraine during her time with the Finn came across similar if not identical items to Mat's foxhead and they manage to take some of them with them from Finnland.

24 - To Make a Stand - This can be anything, from Rand marching the entire force of the Light into the Blight and making a stand in their respective positions, the Seanchan not budging form their position concerning marath'damane, the Black Tower (under Logain) not budging to the demands of the White Tower, etc. Definately sounds like an interesting chapter though.

25 - Return to Bandar Eban - Rand returning to Arad Doman, the one place he had 'abandonned' in a desolate and uncontrolled state.

26 - Parley - that's a piratey-word which means the sea which means (to me) Seafolk/Seanchan. Perhaps there will be a cease fire between the two, though that sounds doubtful to me. Could also be WT/BT or WT/Seanchan. Or a meeting between Rand and Moridin.

27 - A Call to Stand - Might be that Egwene calls the Hall to Stand on an acceptance of the channeling men as equals (after fuming at Rand for the odacity of the idea for a bit lol)

28 - Oddities - duh.... what hasn't been odd in these books? LOL

29 - A Terrible Feeling - again, can be anything....

30 - Men Dream Here - Black Tower, ashaman walking the world of dreams or that Luc character something.... no clue really

31 - Into the Void - sounds like Egwene floating that void in her dream again or else Rand discovering it or something.

32 - A Storm of Light - sounds like some massive countering from Rand against the storm of Darkness coming from the DO. His aura of light increasing either by itself or he's found a way to enhance it.

33 - A Good Soup - makes me think of the Mistress of Kitchens in the White Tower. Good tea, good soup. Egwene's pov reflecting on the woman and coming to the conclusion (not before time either) there's something odd about that woman.

34 - Judgment - back to the Black Tower, the fight is fought, the darkfriends are gathered and judged and executed.

35 - The Right Thing - that hàs to be a Galad thing. He's so full of doing the right thing that it almost can't be anything else. And this right thing will be to join forces with Perrin and jointly head out towards the borderlands to join up with Rand's forces.

36 - An Invitation - Egwene inviting Arass to her study and finding out once and for all who the woman really is.

37 - Darkness in the Tower - discovery of the Forsaken in the White Tower (and if not yet occurred by then, the discovery of the Darkfriends in the Black Tower. Which makes all my previous guesses concerning the BT null and void lol)

38 - Wounds - can be anything, from Rand's wounds healing themselves through his newfound Lightness to the Battle errupting and causing many wounds.

39 - In the Three-fold Land - Aviendha pov within the columns, perhaps also another view on the Shaido and Brotherless. Maybe Rand Travels there to try to pursuade the Shaido and Brotherless again to join forces with him.

40 - A Making - this can be anything. The illuminator making her dragons, Egwene re-creating the foxheads for people from the Light to wear against OP attacks from the Shadow, Elayne giving birth (im not very good in the whole timeline thing, sorry), ...

41 - An Unexpected Ally - again, can be anything. Galad and the whitecloaks joining the White Tower (and Black), the Seanchan joining, the Shara people suddenly arriving to join the Light forces, a male Forsaken being free of the taint no longer wanting the DO's protection (unlikely, but then this is WOT), the Tinkers rising to join the Light forces, the Shaido joining Rand, etc.

42 - Stronger than Blood - sounds Seanchan again to me. No clue beyond that though.

43 - Some Tea - Arass again, I think. Or else someone's using forkroot again. How, why or where, no idea.

44 - A Backhanded Request - again, can be anything

45 - A Reunion - Moiraine reunited with quite a number of people: Rand, Egwene, Siuan. Cadsuane being reunited with Rand after he lifts her ban. Tam reunited with Rand. Rand, Mat and Perrin reunited again along with Nynaeve and Egwene (the five back together again). The Two Towers folk and the five back together again. Mat reunited with the Band. Can go on and on lol.

46 - Working Leather - errrrr..... ???

47 - A Teaching Chamber - hellifiknow

48 - Near Avendesora - seems unlikely so far in, but might be Aviendha again. Other than that, no clue

49 - Court of the Sun - obviously Cairhien, possibly Elayne laying claim to the throne there and securing the country and forces for the LB.

50 - Choosing Enemies - everyone making their priorities: seanchan, whitecloaks, White and Black Tower, the various remaining Forsaken, the Aiel, Fain/Luc, etc.

51 - A Testing - can be a collection of testings: Egwene/Elayne/Nynaeve/etc taking the test for the Shawl, alludra testing her dragons, Rand testing the use of Callandor with two women, kinwomen being tested (seems odd at this point in the story, but again, this is WOT), that grandmother salidar novice being tested, etc, etc.

52 - Boots - um..... ???

53 - Gateways - the battle beings perhaps? Rand organises a simultaneous opening of gateways to the borderlands for his immense force so they all arrive at the same time. (would be a great visual in a movie lol)




I'll probably have only one or two right though. LOL But it was fun to guess.


I'm not willing to spoil myself on the contents of the book itself, but I do want to know what the chapter titles are now. In fact, the first thing I'll do when I get my hands on the book is read them all, because I do read all the prologomena before getting into a book.


With that in view, now that people are discussing the full text in other threads (which certainly contain spoilers I'm not interested in getting) would one of those people who has purchased a copy of the book and read it be willing to fill in the last few chapter titles for us? I was hoping that a thread titled "Chapter Titles (Full List In Order From The Book)" would contain, you know, a full list in order from the book of the chapter titles. :P


Many thanks to anyone who is willing,


i'm getting the book tonight, but willhave to share it with bubba until he finishes it. i've read a few of the spoilers, but not many of them. so i'm gonna give my hand a try at guessing and see how wrong i was lmao


1 - Apples First


*read* Rand


2 - Questions of Leadership


*read* Perrin


3 - The Amyrlin's Anger


conformation on where Rand was heading in chappie 1 imo. my guess is that he's right, Egwene isn't going to like what he has to say :laugh: can't wait to read it, to see how much those two have grown apart and up.


4 - The Pattern Groans


maybe involving rand, since he's able to twist the pattern around him. or maybe a forsaken ....


5 - Writings


Matt writing the letter to Elayne? hopefully we see Lioal though!! wudl love to know what happen at the stump meeting!!!!


6 - Questioning Intentions


probably Lan, given his feelings about people who want to join up in his fight


7 - Lighter than a Feather


this has ta be either Rand or Lan; dealing with a hard choice involving duty. i'm gonna say Rand cause most times Rand has been more of the character this saying is centered around.


8 - The Seven-Striped Lass


*read* matt


9 - Blood in the Air


has ta be a conclusion to the gholum stuff!! especailly witht he ending of chappie 8


10 - After the Taint


a POV from an Ashaman. hopefully Logan, but probably at the Black Tower


11 - An Unexpected Letter


might be the letter Matt writes to Elyane


12 - An Empty Ink Bottle


this for some reason makes me think of Verin. i know she's dead, but still....


13 - For What Has Been Wrought


Min?? since she see's futures and stuff ... i dunno


14 - A Vow


probably involving some of the nations comming together under Rand's banner. might be Tuon aggreeing to work with Rand. i'm thinking soemthing to do with the Seanchan honestly.


15 - Use a Pebble


no clue. makes me think of Toh though ... given some of the punishments the wise ones use. maybe Avi's Toh for taking so long to leave Elayne's side?


16 - Shanna'har

thsi probably has somethign to do with the borderlands.


17 - Partings, and a Meeting


i'm thinking Mat. leaving Caymlen and meeting up with the 3rd person to go to the tower with


18 - The Strength of This Place


maybe the black tower?? or Shayol Ghul??


19 - Talk of Dragons


has to be about the blasters matt has that illuminator working on. probably her agreeing to sell them to Elyane or Rand


20 - A Choice


Rand finally choosing which of the 3 he likes most :baalzamon: nah, probably has something to do with Damane(sp), the white tower, a rift in the black tower, one of the forsaken comming over to Rands side, or Lan finally seeing that he shouldn't waste his life by dieing in the blight.


21 - An Open Gate


Matt finally finds soemoen to make them a gate way to the tower


22 - The End of a Legend


brigittes death??


23 - Foxheads


has to be Matt's meeting with the snakes & foxes


24 - To Make a Stand


matt & the snakes & foxes


25 - Return to Bandar Eban


matt's escape from the tower (for a 3rd time lmao)


26 - Parley


this has ta be with the Seafolk


27 - A Call to Stand


i'm thinking either the white tower or the sea folk


28 - Oddities


soemthing with the senachan


29 - A Terrible Feeling


maybe Min...


30 - Men Dream Here


has to be Slayer & Perrin!!


31 - Into the Void




32 - A Storm of Light


Rand demolishing alot of stuf :cool:


33 - A Good Soup


Nyn?? i dunno. maybe the Kin ....


34 - Judgment


Rand passing judgement on someone


35 - The Right Thing


the result of his judgement


36 - An Invitation


to join the dark side?? maybe has to do with Moridon seeking out Rand, or the other way around


37 - Darkness in the Tower


has to be the black tower


38 - Wounds


after the massive fight in the black tower *nods*


39 - In the Three-fold Land




40 - A Making


dunno. Maybe Nyn finally gets Lan's bond!!!


41 - An Unexpected Ally


one of the foresaken turning??


42 - Stronger than Blood




43 - Some Tea


of the forkroot kind??


44 - A Backhanded Request




45 - A Reunion


maybe Rand & Elyane? there are alot of characters that need to meet again *nods*


46 - Working Leather


makes me think of Perrin for some reason


47 - A Teaching Chamber


i'm thinking it's somethign to do with Avi


48 - Near Avendesora

definately Avi in Rhudian(sp). it's the only place this tree is located that we know of.


49 - Court of the Sun


the senchan?


50 - Choosing Enemies


Rand deciding which enemy is more important to go after, those in the blight or those across the sea


51 - A Testing


finding mroe peopel who can channel?


52 - Boots




53 - Gateways


traveling somewhere. or maybe soemthign to do with the ways.


54. The Light of the World


has to be Rand


55. The One Left Behind


maybe in the ways or someone gets left behind at the tower?


56. Something Wrong


maybe to do with Lan or the Seanchan.


57. A Rabbit for Supper


a gathering of our characters as they prepare for the last battle


Epilogue. And After


dunno ... but soemthign to keep our mouths watering for the next bok surely


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