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Adelle stopped mid sentance and whipped her head around, stopping and staring out into the distance. She grabbed hold of Saidar and Seherai didn't wait to ask why as she grabbed hold herself. The shield went up but Seheria didn't settle. That darkhound was back. What would the woman think of her now? She had just finished telling her that she thought the beast was gone! How could she have missed it? Still, it was here and there was no use focusing on where it had come from. She needed to focus on what to do about it.


As her companion returned to the meal and openly talking Seheria calmed just slightly. There was an air of danger, but that stubbornness that the Aes Sedai always had was there too. Was this one of those time when they really needn't worry and just go about their business, or was this one of those times when they bunker down and drink tea until the beast jumps on them just to prove that they can't be pushed out?


Adelle called out but there was no answer. She filled her cup and as if reading Seheria's mind she spoke, "Well then, I suggest we continue our breakfast, I am not about too turn back needlessly, so lets just keep an eye on it and see what it descides too do, seeing as there is no one here we can actually effectively communicate with. As is it seems too be only this here, nothing else has breached the perimiter, so either if it have collected help they are staying outside it, or it is alone patrolling..."


"I only saw the one set of tracks, but as I saw that, the beast was gone. Perhaps it had gone to notify others or perhaps it decided to come back on its own. I doubt we could out run them if they were after us. I don't know much about the way they work, but I would think if it wanted us dead we would already be dead. So, we'll finish up here and continue on to the town then. It shouldn't follow us there." She wasn't sure of that of course, but if it did follow them surely they would change their plan again.

  • 1 month later...

T'an observed as they sat down, they werent figthing, or screaming or running, not ordinary two legged even on the side she bellonged too in this world. These were higher ranking humans, and obviously one or both of them were of the kind who belonged too the place in the bligth. Well then, her instincts been rigth, and better make sure there was no trouble involved in it, here along the borders the other beasts sometimes got a bit antsy, those who werent fully four legged beings nor two legged, they werent always the smartest. She slowly got up and walked out of the bushes, laying down still a bit off from the people, and well clear of their fourlegged companions, which she knew did not like her kind.




Cema looked up "well seems that is setled then" there seemed too be a truce for now, the beast obviously wasnt hunting them, nor general food as it didnt make any attempt too get near the horses. It wasnt behaving like a wild animal either, nor really like a dog, who knew maybe this was one of the ones they kept around the fortress, and it got experience enough too recognise them for what they were.


She looked over at her travel companion, she seemed calm enough, but Cema wondered if the young woman must not feel somewhat unsetled, even with her experience keeping an outwards cool was ok, and she was fairly sure of her judgement, but that didnt mean she wouldnt prefered less company.



T'an waited as they finished eating, packed up and got onto those four legged creatures they liked to travel on, but as they started heading towards the nearest gathering of two legged, where she knew there was a camp between with those beast she had no like for, she circled around stood in their way, then growled when they didnt instantly stop. She waited till they stoped, she had thougth about it, back too base, or rather their base for now, there was another of their kind she knew of, one of importance, she could handle this without it turning out too a mess. And while T'an normally wouldnt care and would be back in the bligth, this was the task they been set too, guard rather then hunt, help make sure things ran smootly, though of course there also now and again did get the option too hunt where the situation demanded, but far too little for her taste.


She moved a bit off, towards the rigth direction, looked back, moved some more steps, and looked back. Would they get it, two leggeds were sometimes easily offended like cubs, only this kind was far more dangerous then cubs, which made her rather vary.

  • 4 weeks later...

Seheria's sences would not settle down. Knowing something was out there, hidden and watching her, put her so far on edge that it was all she could do not to react. The years of schooling herself through trials paid off and the only real worry was her ever increasing urges to let her eyes dart around in search of what she knew she wouldn't find. The simple fact that she knew she would see it even if she tried was enough to force her to not make a fool of herself by constantly searching. The temptation didn't stop, but her discipline stopped her. If it wanted to be noticed it would make itself known.


She finished the breakfast her traveling companion had so generously offered and tried to look casual as she rushed to pack up the small camp. As she started to disguise the fact that they had camped there she could help but wonder what the point was. They had been seen. Their location and campsite was known. But it wasn't known to everyone, so she carried on with trying to hide the evidence of the stay over.


When the horse was standing ready and other woman was ready to go Seheria took the reigns and waited for the other woman to start on her way and quickly fell in line behind her as they made their way to the little village.


Seheria Mori

Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah

  • 2 months later...

Cema changed the direction, she was not stupid, what little she had learned in the visitation she had was enough to confirm what she learned as an Aes Sedai. Furthermore they were not here to make war, and she was unsure how these beasts conected into the shadow, so the last thing she wanted was to draw more attention to them.

She mussed as she rode in the direction which was taking them slowly at an angle towards the mountains, not her planed entry point, but in the long run it didnt matter where she went, and there would be less traffic out here in the wilderness. Midday they rode past an old campsite, and she gaged inside at the smell of obvious kills, though was relieved to see hides indicating the victims had been animals. She was far to happy to be out of there to botter dismounting and studing the ground to determine what kinds of tracks were there, the smell of trollocs mixed with blood and scorched meat was one she was all to happy to leave behind.


As nigth time aproached she started looking for a suitable camp, they been riding constant and at times the horses was more then eager to set the pace up, something she suspected had to do with the periods the hound disapeared from sigth as she often felt her neckhairs rise during those times. They had made a choice, she was not going to back down from that, though she wondered about where to stock up food, she had seen little trails of villages, either they just was unlucky in not stumbeling upon a farm, or they were beeing lead away. She was sure she would have to stop when she saw ligths ahead and noticed a farm, as they came closer she saw more in the distance, and she started aproaching one farm when the hound apeared again, clearly indicating a direction towards something when she looked was taking the shape of a road.


She quickly refered with her travel companion, and a descision was made to see where this lead, as it was clear there wasnt a lack of options now for gaining food if need be. Soon enough she saw ligths ahead indicating a village or small town, "Seems we may be sleeping in beds tonigth, and finally find out whats going on". As they aproached the gate under reconstruction she noticed the beast was gone, and figured the problem migth be gone. She removed her hood in accordance to good borderland custom, and found what seemed to be a guard overseeing workers, asking about recomendations of an inn, and geting the description to a place called the black cat.


While it was dark, as always in a borderland town there were ligths to chase the shadows, and enough to see some destructions, but overall it seemed like normalday life was going on though with a bit of a hushed feel to it. She saw late workers walking home, and as they aproached the inn she saw what seemed to be workers heading in for a meal or a drink. She rode around the inn and they found a stableboy who could take the horses, walking back up to the inn she was slowly setteling more down internally which may be why it rocked her so when she missteped on a stairstep, looked down and saw the chip in it resembeling a partial paw. "Tomorow should be interesting indeed, and its time to figure out what is going on here"


ooc i figure they book a room, have some food or something and then someone is waiting on them in the morning when they come for breakfast and bring them towards the back of town laying against a hill, and a larger house there, where they can meet m'bela

  • 3 weeks later...

Adelle took them off their planned path early in their journey and Seheria's mind screamed 'trap' for a while. She knew it was just a precaution, and as they slowly angled in to the town they were heading to her worry lessened. She had never been so fearful before she joined this ajah and she hated that she was overcome by it now. She had always held the power, or at least knew no one ever a true threat to her, since she was a child. No one ever truly hurt her past repair, but now that she was mixed up in this Ajah no one could be trusted, and if they did stab her in the back there was a good chance it would be literal now. Someday she would have the experience and knowledge to grow her backbone back, but having lost it was driving her mad. At least it worked to her cover.



It was a long ride into the village, with not much worth mention more than the uncleaned camp they passed at midday. The smell was enough to turn another's stomach, but she had dealt with many wounds over the years and her stomach was strong from it. Few smells and sights gave her any reaction anymore. The sent of trollocs made her hairs stand on end. Open bodies and rotting flesh didn't phase her, but the thought of having just missed a hoard of trollocs, knowing they must still be near by, was another thing. Perhaps they wouldn't attack a Black Sister, but they weren't known for their brains and she wasn't sure they could tell her from a sheep without a mydraal among them. Even with a mydraal she wasn't sure not being a sheep would make any difference. She and Adelle finished investigating quickly and were back on the trail.


The darkhound seemed to stay with them as they travelled, but the two pressed on past a few good places until the hound left them alone at the village. Seheria followed Adelle's lead removing her hood and fell inline behind the woman and into her full act of the tag along companion. She kept silent as Adelle found them logging for the night. She eyed the common people trudging blindly through the streets as their days wound down. Just another traveller in town. An Aes Sedai traveller, but that was common enough. No heads even turned her direction.


The sun was long down when they arrived at the inn, but they found a stable boy easily enough. She forced a 'thank you' for the boy before she left. Seheria didn't realize just how worn she was from the ride until she started walking to the inn. It all seemed to crashed into her at once, but it wasn't her first dance with exhaustion. She came back to full alert as her companion stumbled. She instinctively reached out a hand to catch the other woman and then followed her eyes down to see what she tripped over. If the stumble didn't fully push her exhaustion away the half pawprint settled deep into the stone below her feet surely did. She would have gasped if her companion hadn't spoken up just then.


"Tomorrow should be interesting indeed, and its time to figure out what is going on here" she said.


"It surely will be," Seheria replied, "that is, if we make it to tomorrow." She let out a short chuckle, but as she fell silent again she couldn't help but notice the small part of her that truly did worry that tomorrow may not come for her. Before she could let her mind take her too far into that thought she spoke again, "Well, if this is our last night, or if it is not, we may as well settle into it and enjoy what we can of it."


They entered the building and had to wait for someone to come to the desk, but when the woman arrived she appologized profusely. Seheria let her companion book them a room and followed behind as the woman bustled into their room. She seemed to move like if she got them to the room in record time it would make up somehow for the wait at the door, but it could have just as easily been that the sooner they were in the room they sooner she could be back to whatever had held her attention before they arrived.


Before the woman could leave them Seheria asked for two meals to brought to the room, if they were going to sleep in proper beds they ought to have a proper meal as well. This is how Aes Sedai should travel, with a roof above them and a mattress below them and food they didn't have to burn themselves over open flame. Surely that wasn't too much to desire. Seheria moved her bags nearer her bed and then dropped down onto it to wait for her food. There was some small talk between the women, but the ride seemed to take a toll on them both and tomorrow they would figure things out, tonight was for rest. The food came and discussion dropped off as they ate. It wasn't long after that before Seheria wrapped up in the blankets. The desire to enjoy the feel of blankets around her was all that kept her from drifting of the moment her head hit the pillow, but it wasn't long after that that she did drift off.


The morning came sooner than she would have liked, it is seemed it came sooner for her than it did for her companion. She smiled with satisfaction about being the first one up. Finally she wouldn't look the absent minded fool who was ill prepared. She was out of bed and dressed when her companion finally did get up.


"Good morning. I hope your sleep was comfortable." Seheria stumbled slightly with the attempt at sounding natural with the small talk, she really wasn't used to it. She rarely talked to others unless it was tell them what they ought to be doing or to inform them of something she thought they should know. The two packed the few things they had unpacked the night before and decided to head down to the common room for breakfast and a chance at overhearing something useful.


Seheria Mori

Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah

  • 4 weeks later...

Cema ordered tea, bread and cheese, and setled down at the table. The inn seemed quiet, but it was morning, lunch times probably would show more guests. Of what she could overhear there was little, and she focused more on the food, it seemed safe and decent enough. As she folded the napkin over her plate and was about to speak a sugestion to her travel companion, they were aproached by one of the other guests, his companions moved for the door and went outside. "Yes?", she to take the lead on this away, if something was going down it would be by her rules and not theirs.


"If you ladies will follow me, there are a meeting awaiting you." she raised an eyebrow but didnt otherwise move "I am sorry its all I am private too, I am but the messenger in this case, and are on a need to know basis" She looked at her companion, "Well then, it seems we may be having a meeting, shall we?" She got up, grabed the purse with her personal belongings and indicated the other riding bag to the help along with her companions. "We got horses in the ..." she started "They should be sadled and ready for you outside, my lady"


Her thougths flew miles away, it hadnt been planed but having him around would been good, no point thinking about milk that was gone though. As they excited his companions were holding the animals, and quickly set their lugage in place by the sadles. Cema mounted and indicated for the man to show the way, taking note that his companions disapeared in other directions, either meaning their job here was done, or they would go report elsewhere on the progress. She opened herself to saidar, but did not channel or otherwise grab hold of it, she just wanted it enough within reach to put up a figth should this turn out to be a trap, and should it turn out it was operated by someone who realised what they were.


She shared a look with her companion quickly, but otherwise kept her eyes on their guide as they headed towards the edge of the village in towards the hill it was built against, as they closed too it she could make out a house built slightly above the rest in the hill, giving it surely a nice view, but not enough to make it stand out too much in the distance. It soon became clear this was were they were heading, additions and work was going on around the place, obviously expansions in the run of it was being done.


The guide headed up to a makeshift gate and talked to the guards, then disapeared, and a guard steped forward. Indicating they should continue through as the gate was opened fully to allow the horses through "There is a stable around back, and enough stablehands to take care of them as well as show you into the house" His voice was polite enough, but also that of someone who wasnt inexperienced in their field. She descided it was more important to figure out what was going on then pick on formalities and spured her horse on towards the entrance leading to the stables. The horses were imidiatly taken care off, and she only kept her personal purse with her, she knew what was in the other well enough, and had a way to find out if it been opened. A boy ran into the house and was followed out by what seemed to be a maid, she was slowly growing tired of what seemed to be a string of servants when they entered something like an office, there was a woman behind the desk who obviously knew how to channel, but she looked young and didnt feel strong, surely this was not the child who summoned them here. She was about to aproach the girl as she felt a presence of someone else behind the door oposite of where they came in, the girl looked up from her papers "ah she is back, you may enter" indicating the door.




M'bela entered from the garden and sat down in her chair, she could feel someone on the otherside of the door, so that was why they had the visitor disturbing her servants yesterday. She looked at the paper infront of her containing the information she been given by those who had posed questions in the dark of the night, and looked up puting it down as the door opened.


She had no conserns, the intiate outside would know what to do, some of her kin that she trusted would soon be taking a stroll in the garden. "Well, so what may bring you guys here under such disquise?, surely with the amnesty out there are no need to skulk around hiding what you are? " She indicated some chairs.


Channeling tendrils of water she heated the tea, poured up three cups, "Honey?" she smiled. Playing games were one of her favourite games, that and this was hardly the most traveled section of the gate, that however just meant since it entailed the parts closes to the border that it migth be one which was seen as the weakpoint.



Cema didnt answer the question posed, she didnt play games by others rules. "Amnesty or not, my way of travel are my own choice" there was an amnesty, which entailed what, that would be the first thing to find out without giving away to much. She wondered if her companion migth know more, Cema had kept a lot to herself which included her black side, wrapt up in her own quests, was it posible she had missed out on something. She would have to go fish with her companion later, as a fresher sister she would be sure to been informed of any important and widely known messaged passed around. Cema on the other hand was less likely to be disturbed or imprented anything on when she generally made herself unavaliable, something she had worked up over many a year to gain, though it could have its disadvantages at times.


ooc figure will leave it here for now so you can get your piece in

  • 2 weeks later...

Seheria spend the morning meal discretely scanning the faces of the guests around her. There weren't many, and those where there seemed to be obsorbed in eating. Still the presence of others meant the other woman wouldn't pry into Seheria's thoughts. Not that the woman had spent much time doing that, past deciding to trust her not to stab a knife in her back the moment she turned. Seheria still couldn't be sure that she gave the other woman as much trust, but they had weighed out the dangers of seperating or traveling together long before this meal and anything in life before that never did seem to come up. Seheria was sure please to find that and any circumstance that lessened the chance of personal talk was welcomed.


Just as she was putting the last bite of her bread into her mouth a man approached the table. Seherai gave him a curious look, and let him speak. Her heart raced for a few beats until she reminded herself that her companion had been expected this way. Of course someone was waiting for them. She was the only one foolish enough to run through the borderlands with reason behind it. No one had spotted her across the room, marked her for the darkfriend she was and came to trick her into a beheading. Her companion didn't seem to know the man, and that sent a small warning through the new Black, but he explained he was just the messenger, and truly this arrangement was not odd. It had happened to her more often than not during her time under the light, so why should the dark be any different.


The feelings stormed through her body, but didn't show in the slightest hint. At least she hoped they didn't and no one seemed to show that they had noticed. She had enough years of hiding her emotions that she was sure of her skill in the matter. She rose with her companion to leave and fell in line with her companion's horse as they followed the unknown man away from the inn. She had wanted to grab hold of the security of saidar from the moment the man approached the table, but had resisted only because her companion had.


She saw the glow surrounding the woman and Seheria hesitated to follow suit. On one hand, the woman would think Seheria was merely mimicking her, unsure of how to act on her own thoughts. On the other hand, if her companion was concerned enough about what they were riding into, having planned on coming to this town for it from the start, perhaps Seheria should take that precaution too. She was the one truly riding into the unknown. This woman had experience and saw threat. Seheria would not let stubbornness be the reason she was shielded or stilled. The Yellow opened herself to source and resisted the growing temptation to reach out to it.


Seheria didn't need to follow the other woman's gaze to find the location they were headed to. It was in the perfect location to keep an eye out but it didn't stand out like a sore thumb. It is exactly the place Seheria would have picked if she had free reign to set up anywhere in the town. The fact that it was big and embellished nicely was simply a bonus. If you have the thing you may as well make it as good as you can. And with the expansions being worked on it seemed the owner was doing just that.


Seheria wished she knew what the place was. Who was waiting in there for them? Was it more Black Sisters? Myrdraal? Dreadlords? Or some other class of Darkfriend? As the thoughts on what it would mean for her swept through her mind she remembered the earlier conversations. She was Aes Sedai, that still held the same power in the her new position as it did in old. Just relax, and be herself. She had nothing to fear and as long as she believed that she would be fine.


Seheria dismounted without much trouble and sent a thought of relief out. Horses were not something she enjoyed overly much, but she had become used to them enough that she didn't look a fool as she got on or off them anymore. She was wary of leaving her belongings behind but she most of the things she had were new. There was only one thing she dreaded losing, and if it came to it, she was sure she could get a replacement one way or another.


When she was recovered from her dismount she noticed the maid coming from the house who led then to an office. Quiet the production for a simple meeting, I've seen Kings with less filler posts between! The woman behind the desk could obviously channel, and Seheria was unsure what to make of the young one. Her first thought was to ask after Tower training, but she wisely didn't say a word as she looked over the weaker channeler. The hair on the back of Seheria's neck stood on end as she noticed the sudden presence in the room behind her and she was almost startled when the girl at the desk spoke to invite them to enter the room.


Seheria entered the room after her companion, and taking the chair offered to her. She sat, contently muted, taking it all in. Afterall, the meeting wasn't truly meant for her. She made a better impression as a fly on the wall anyway. Its not like she knew the first blasted thing about interacting with others. Oh how she hated feeling 10 years old again! She was far to old and experienced to be so lost! These two didn't have to know how much she felt she was floundering. She held her head high and sat with all the authority of her many years under the shawl.


"Well, so what may bring you guys here under such disquise?, surely with the amnesty out there are no need to skulk around hiding what you are? The question was posed and Seheria let her companion answer, she had been told to keep a back seat and hold her tongue after all. It wasn't as though she would have opened up like a book to this perfect stranger if she hadn't been warned, but it was her place to let the other woman lead, and she would.


Seheria only nodded at the offer of honey. She wasn't likely to drink the tea, but there was no quiet way to indicate she didn't take her tea with honey and she didn't want to draw attention. No reason she couldn't play nice.


Adele spoke to the woman and Seheria didn't let her eyes stray to the woman, "Amnesty or not, my way of travel are my own choice" there was an amnesty, just what exactly that in entailed was lost on Seheria, but she had travelled here to find these things out and she was pleased to finally be learning something. This trip may not turn out as useless as she had started thinking it might. Hopefully the details would come to the surface before the meeting was over, but if not she would ask her companion about it later. The woman spent more time out in the world dealing with such things, she must know about such things. Seheria was determined to stay the fly on the wall of this conversation as long as she could. If that meant having to drink the tea, well it was a good thing she studied herbs as thoroughly as she did, she could tell almost every threat in a tea on sight, smell or taste of the first drip. Being a Yellow for decades did have some benefits.


Seheria Mori

Black Sister

  • 2 months later...

M'bela scanned them, "Well I got better things to do then play games, unless its my kind of games which I can promise you ladies will prefer it not to be.." She let her waves fall away so she apared as who she was, it did not matter, in her interactions over the years with people she used enough looks that most would not know one from another, she was however pleased to see a flicker of strain for a split second by the eyes of one of them, torture let you become an expert in reading bodies more so then many others. "The way I see it, you are either lying in which case its time to lay your cards on the table, you didnt get the memo or choose to overlook it which followed along with the amnesty.." She looked both of them in the eyes in turn as she kept speeking "in which case you pending which of them choose the wrong place to head into mischief...or " her eyes grew cold and hard as now looked into their eyes, knowing she needed no waves to enhance her pose to give of the picture she wanted with her 6 feet when standing now that she was in her original form "you are white tower rats on the wrong side of the line, in which case I must unfortunatly inform you that your kind is not welcome here with their medeling, and if the White Tower needs a clear message to get that, I will be more then happy to make the two of you said message..."


She held up a finger to stall any talking, this was not the type of game she liked to play, but she understood the nesecity of diplomacy in these days, and she had to be sure of the situation on her hands. "Now I would think well before you start talking, but talking you will, however first consider this.." She took a moment to look both up and down "You are on my territory now, I rule this on direct command from the highest authorities under the Great Lord, and despite what you may think...you " She looked sternly on both of them and put emphasis on her words as she continued "are outnumbered, there are no chance of escape, and your fate will depend upon my good will, hence I suggest you do not waste my time"




Cema was kept her composure as the woman changed, but inwards she took a deep breath, she knew this one, she had only seen her in the distance in the fortress when she was there while keeping an undercover story of being elsewhere so the greens would not miss her while she was gone to do her studies. She just stepped into an ants-pit, the woman for all she knew was just as old as her, or who knew even older. She knew also the rank the woman had, despite that if she had been young as they sometimes were, well younger, but for all they were she knew they were also opposites and that just as well as trying to be diplomatic as she was good of, well with this one based on some of the things she heard under whispers, should she step wrong it would be like putting your arm into an ants nest, particularly considering there being things she obviously wasn't updated on - she sent some colorfull thoughts towards the either incapabilities or lack of info sharing in the black ajah - but not in the least considering which chosen this one served.


With her best composure she dropped her weaves altering her looks, the ones she had in place since she met her travel companion, by deduction there was no fear from showing the woman who she was, and if her companion wasnt trustworthy well it was no longer her concern. She was not about to cover for the woman though, her age and knowledge did in no way make that necessary, nor was she going to give this sadist the pleasure of seeing her ratled, all in all come to think of it this would but be a good source for information, right to the core of things, which after all suited her quite well. "Very well, I know who you are, I do not know if my companion know, as seeing I have traveled more then not the last few years I do not know all young recruits." She cast a look at her companion "I picked her up at an unfortunate time, and the choice was between bringing her along for the time being or taking unnecessary steps without knowing more about her" She turned to her companion calmly "We are in the presence of someone which unless my info have completely failed me far outranks you young lady, your secret of your identity will be safe enough in this room." She hadn't been paying attention to her companion to see if she had recognized her or not when the weaves dropped, her eyes then had been on M'bela, a game of will as far as she could stretch it to make it clear that while she respected the rank she was not a novice by any means even if she well knew her hair would have given that away anyway.


M'bela was sitting again "ah I see, yes the student" she gave a smirk, age in itself was not something she would give respect too, she had seen the woman before and heard a couple things, enough to know it was not her type of person, though not for lack of a head on the shoulders, just different ways of thinking. "Well then you can safely enjoy your tea, I do not play coy games...I prefer to be more direct" she looked at the younger one "which I am sure your companion know, however like her I must say one realise there are better things to do with ones time after one lived long enough then to keep track of recruit lists" she smiled "the question is then who are you and are your presence futher needed..." she raised an eyebrow. Then stood and her hand was reached out towards the woman "however maybe I can make that a bit easier for you, M'bela..," she looked the woman in the eyes as she took her hand "Mae'shadar".


ooc. ok lets gets past the mumbo jumbo and onto the chit chat over tea.


Seheria sat patiently listening as the others dropped their masks and the threats flew. She was in over her head, and unlike her traveling companion she had no reason to be there. She held herself together as the faces around her changed and the tones in the voices shifted. She glanced at the woman she had called Adele and knew her after some thought as Cema, a Green. She hadn't been around the tower for years, and Seheria hadn't even certain the woman was still living these last years, she was more a myth by this point. She knew she couldn't hide forever though, and soon she was the only one left to show her cards. Oh how she wished she had cards to show. Her story, true as it was, was quite a terrible excuse of one, and if it wasn't hers to tell she wouldn't believe it either.


"I apologize, but I am afraid I am quite new to this. I do not have any knowledge of you, and I had no knowledge of any amnesty. That is why I came out here. I was in search of answers and knowledge I could not find where I was. To my fortune, my wise friend here found me before I had myself killed. I told her I would keep out of her way and she agreed to allow me to travel with her for the time being." If she wanted the cards on the table, there they were. Cema had as much as played them for her anyway, there would be no point in pretending she was more aware of things than she was.


She was truely beginning to hate this adventure. Hopefully this meeting will at least give me some good information, she thought, at least with that I can pretend this was not a complete foolish waste.


M'bela grinned as she looked at them "Your companion is wise enough and old enough to probably learned who I am and who I serve, knowing well that unless there was truth to what I speak our meeting here with your intrusion would be far less civil" she looked them over.


"To make sure there are no missunderstandings though, as it is unknown which levels of knowledge each here has, despite what is said.." who knew if the young one spoke the truth or not, desceit could be as good a card as any, but he continued where she left off "..we lost Kandor, but Arafel and Shienar are well in our grasp, much due to Sammael, later aided by my own mistress Semirhage.." she let the names she slung so easily out hang in the air, not that she would put them out as nonchalant in their presence, but being but a step bellow and having earned the favor in her case of being the highest ranking dreadlord under Semirhage did count for some transgression, at least as long as they were in good mood.


"More importantly though.." she picked up before they could ask questions "Nae'blis walks, the way of addressing her will be Mistress of the Dark, and she have declared peace among the Mae'Shadar council, those of us not serving a chosen on the council will be reporting directly to her." She looked hard at the two, leting her eyes linger longer on the older one "The servants of the Great Lord serve a united cause, and here in the Gate to the Blight all are welcome, the Chosen are pulling towards one aim and we are internally at peace, what you cats at the White Tower are doing in this are none of my consern, but I presume its where you kittens come from.." her voice was cold as she continued, "you can be sure though that I will not tolerate trouble in my region of the Gate," she softened her voice and smiled, picking up her teacup "as long as that are clear, I do wish you welcome though." She sipped her tea and leaned back in her chair.



Cema wasnt phased by the threaths, she found the speak informative, and noted that it set a smart direction in making sure that there was no need to test whether her companions statement was true or not, or what she herself knew, and while she had to keep from showing her contempt for the woman which had very different views she knew to that of herself, she couldnt admit that the move had been good in puting them all on more even ground. Cemarillinin always took note of friends and foes alike, you never knew when knowing a person could come in handy, she sipped her tea to show that she wasnt phased by any of the clear warnings.


"Relax.." she had the soft yet serious voice which worked so well when teaching, she wasnt sure how much was play or if this one really was half insane by her standards, though her encounter with dreadlords most of them were in her book, far to vain, at least Aes Sedai had some sence of decorum for what one said openly and not. "..we are merely here as my companion already stated to check out this..." she smiled "Gate". Well then if the dreadlady was playing open it seemed she had luck this time, no need to scury about looking for leads, they could easily enough apparently get most any information they needed here. She would have to work out later why she didnt know about this, aparently her absence and traveles had put her out of touch with her nettwork far more seriously and severely then she could ever have expected, there was no way the Black Ajah or someone in it at least didnt know about Nae'blis, and she would find out who when she got back she swore to herself.


"We saw a fair amount of clues for spawn coming in..." she mentioned, what she really wondered was what the beasts still did around if they didnt as by the sound of it want to turn this into another Malkieri, another extention of the blight lost to people, more so she wondered how they would make this work, what had happened to the borderlanders who werent darkfriends, there didnt seem to be a lot of empty houses around she mulled while waiting for someone to pick up the tread where she left it hanging, not wanting to still give off to much in one go.


ooc lets see if we cant phase this over onto conversation then

you can find a sum up of events in shadow here if you need a reference point http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/1439-info-section/

  • 1 month later...

M'bela looked out the window "yes the amount of them helps cover the borders better, make sure things keep within controll, we got the variety of them as you probably seen, its all well organized in sections as you understand, with someone in charge of each who take reports and make sure to solve any issues" She turned back towards them "we are well along with rebuilding most damages done and will keep at it till everything is rebuilt, though several places we are also building anew to make room where there is need for such"


Refilling her teacup, she focused on the younger one, she knew the older and had been in contact with Aes Sedai before, but she refused to play by their rules, if the older one seemed to be taking the lead, she would make it a point to prod the younger one instead, she was also the one most likely more unexperienced to dealing with the rest of the Great Lords followers "anything else I can help you with my Ladies?" she asked it while clearly directing her attention to the youngest of the two, and smiled.

  • 2 weeks later...

Seheria met the gaze of the host as it fell upon her. The question was clearly for her only, and it was clearly a chance to prod the weaker link. Seheria had come for answers though, and while she had already learned much in this meeting, she had found what she had hoped was a a small opening for more. With the invitation to ask out there, and no other questions seeming fitting at the time, she ventured to have an expansion on the information given. But how to word it?


"You had mentioned Arafel and Shienar being.."


Seheria found her self at a loss for words. Should she call the forsaken by their names as their host had? The woman had thrown the names about as if it was a gesture of power, but the new black had not learned of the politics and details when it came to such things. Should she use the term 'shadow' as she had for centuries before? Why did that blasted woman who was to teach her disappear?! She thought to use 'our' but there was a clear divide between whoever this woman was and the Black Ajah, at least in her mind, by the way she spoke.


"..friendly with us. Are there other places we may find similar friendliness under the likes of those nation's leaders?"


More careful wording than she had used in weeks, but she hoped it wouldn't be too awkward. She had already gained more information in this meeting than she had dreamed she would have when she came. Why that surprised her so, she wasn't sure.


This wasn't the first time she had walked blindly into situations that should have been beyond her and come out ahead of where she should have been. She had done that so many times she should have been expecting just this from her trip to the blight. Perhaps that is why she came, perhaps deep down she had always assumed it was going to be as simple as walking in and sitting down.


Sure, she had had to earn the momentary trust of a woman more experienced, and surely the only thing keeping her head on her neck was the pity these two women took on her, but those facts eluded the young black. Still she knew she was in deep waters and was determined to not make waves.


She finished her question and reached for the cup of tea before her. She had it in her hand before the thought it could be poisoned crossed her mind. She had to keep up appearances and to set the cup down without a sip would show her distrust. She couldn't afford to look rude now, but she would not take much if it were poisoned. She pressed the rim of the cup gently to her lips and took a small sip before replacing it. Surely the stranger would understand her wariness.


Seheria Sedai

Black Sister

  • 4 weeks later...

M'bela looked at her "The Great Lords network reach far, that is not to say its for all to have oversight of all of it sister." She sipped her tea, and set the cup down "No the generic extention are for now here, unless you are part of a nettwork which would extend such leeway, in which case you would know and not need to ask".

She had a vague reminisence of ancient days on the streets, in many ways a lot less complicated life in another time, but also a very different her which while street smart was ignorant of the world compared too today.


"So since we are exchanging news, whats the freshest news from your end?" There was no reason she figured passing up an opportunity even if small to gain new info.

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