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DISNEY MONTH ACTIVITY: Torrie's Wheel of Disney!


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Everyone knows the game Wheel of Fortune, well welcome to...


[move]Torrie's Wheel of Disney! [/move]


Each week there will be a new Disney movie listed.  

You guess a letter, if you get it right you will get 2 points. If you get it wrong you will lose 1 point. A vowel will cost you 1 point and if you guess the name of the movie you will earn 5 points!

Total points will be listed at the end of the game.


Are you ready? Then start guessing!!!

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Guest BaLefireP

*Sits and waits in anticipation because he has never had as much fun as he is having now with his Kin family*



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Guest BaLefireP

I am glad you did get some points for that to BaLe, I wouldn't have gotten it quite that fast without your guess!


Awww thanks! *Hugs*


The only reason I guessed it right is because I have a mother who LOVES Disney and I had just watch the move two nights before!  :D






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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Guest BaLefireP

**falls over**


Fine, fine, if you get such a kick out of me getting bumped.


**gets back up**


Do it again!



I think the idea of a Halloween wheel game sounds fun!

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